....Today i am taking you all back to my "Golden Boy of Boulder" era...the mid-eighties when i was among the fittest of the fittest of all multisport athletes anywhere; capable of finishing in the top 20 of a mountain ultra marathon and cranking off 60 consecutive pullups and climbing 5.12 all within the same week. and partying like...well, you know...it WAS the 80's... in the new DL Subscription Format, you are in for a WHOLE TON of WF Tribal Archive photos, exercises, teachings, and hilariously epic stories from the history of me and WF, baby! the years ahead shine with all sorts of fun! Above pic is Skip (left) and Johnny Mars...you climbers that know your American Rock Climbing history have heard of Johnny, i am sure. Both of these bros were my training and climbing partners during the eighties and well...as you can tell...we had the CHI, baby!

The Static Pull Up is a high velocity movement that begins with you dangling at arms length beneath a Pull Up Bar. See the bottom photo? that is the first High Intensity Pull that creates momentum for the upper photo in which Mula Bandha must be engaged and synched up with Hip Extension and DRIVING BOTH ELBOWS SIMULTANEOUSLY into Father Sky which sets your hips and shoulders to finish the final two pictures shown below. Note, that the Pull Up Bar must be a special one with enough space above it not to bash your skull once (if) you get to the Top Position. I am shown here in my self-made "Climber's Courtyard" in Farentinos Gym, Boulder, Colorado. I was allowed a budget and complete freedom from my boss and owner of Farentinos Gym, Dr. Bob Farentinos, to build the nation's first public climbing wall, 2-ton crack climbing tower, and custom made climbing specific apparatus such as a Bachar Ladder, Giant Pegboard (which can be partially seen in these photos), slack line, and Flat Webbing Rings, plus much more. What can i say...i had a great boss back then! In fact, he was my only boss since i went on to build my own gyms and yoga studios from that point onward. In these two finishing photos i am shown in the top one approaching the Top Position where gleno-humeral stress is at its peak as i rocket my body at warp speed through Mid Position...
{read the entire story and have access to 2,000+ articles from Coach Ilg at DIRECT LINES: Daily Meditations From Coach Ilg,
...for a few dollars per month, be inspired and informed by the planet's only Multi WorldChampionship Yoga Teacher, Coach Ilg!}
Wholistic Fitness® baby...the last remaining Path of the Physique Culture and, it seems, the only GENUINE PATH of multidisciplined Yoga on the planet!