Coach Ilg racing for his new team; Red Rock Racers, manufactured a scintillating victory in hellishly hot conditions at the 26-mile, 5,800' Bill McLain Memorial Sandia Crest HillClimb last weekend in Albuquerque, New Mexico. His victory came only one week after a 14th overall in the SUMMIT CENTER CLASSIC 3-Day Stage Race in Flagstaff working for his Team Leader (see DIRECT LINES ARCHIVES for Coach's heart-thumping diary of that race). Above photo: Coach's "powerful yet svelte climbing style," is captured here by Heidi Snell/Visual Escapes Photography. In the above photo, Coach is midway through the tormentingly long climb, after dismantling the legs and lungs of the peleton by launching a Lance Armstrong like attack on the very first hill of the course! Coach's magnificent victory was done in true Wholistic Fitness® Warrior mode; Be Brave and Give 110% Of Yourself.
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