"During the intervals, nothing focuses the mind better than potential loss of consciousness. The 15 hard/15 easy splits were a bitch. Much more so to me than the 45 sec on/1 min off sets. I am not sure what I was seeing at the end of the last set because everything was in a haze. Don't know if I should pass out or throw-up? I love it! Oh, and
I love wearing the WF Blessed Mala beads. I am having fun doing Wholistic Fitness®. I am a better person for starting it.
{Student Harry has been an Online Student taking Studies directly under Coach Ilg since December, 2005. Some of his short term goals include doing 10 Pull Ups and 10 Dips, staying in a Yogi Squat for 1 minute, and doing a WF Private Intensive with his Coach within the next year....now THAT my friends, is a Ripe Student!...you ready to Be Like Harry and STEP UP to the Mt. Everest of Personal Training; WHOLISTIC FITNESS® Online Study?! If not...why not?..it's a Proven Path of Transformation through personal fitness since 1982.}