If there is a Hell on Earth; certainly it lies within and the Fiery Anger of our Inner Hell Realms are soooo fast to arise so long as we remained chained to our samskaras. In this DL, i address the issue of Anger using an actual Coaching Exchange with an Online Student and from past Dharmatalks.
May it help your Radiance of Light and Love with the power of Avalokiteshvara,
coach ilg
ps; above photo; coach has captured a devil below and fire above image...similar to how the "devil" resides in our hips/lower back (chakras 1-3) and manifests higher in the form of vented anger; harsh words and harsh actions that do only harm and deepen our karmic load.
Most Noble Warriors,
WF is a very confrontational Path; that is because it must be so.
It is a Path of Yoga; a genuine Path of Yoga; urging us at every level to Merge into that which our egoic layers attempt to hide from us.
I know i am beginning to really get somewhere with a Student when Anger begins to arise from their Practice.
If i can get Anger to Arise from a Student,
i know it is go(o)d.
we will need that Anger to arise...you've got a long Journey ahead of you...i am right here...Loving you as the Anger starts to arises and process. i keep my Practice so strong so that i can take on the Anger Arising of Students...cuss at me, scream at me, tell me to go to Hell during such Anger Arising times...i can take it from you if you are Brave enough to let it Vent...
think of how much you smile...
an equal amount of Fear and Anger is behind all the smiling...
it's gotta come through, baby...
All too often, however,
the Student Quits the Path instead of working with the Anger.
as i once Taught you to do a Barbell Curl with more elegance and Awareness of Posture,
i am also going to Coach you through witnessing and Transforming Anger that arises with
elegance and Awareness of (spiritual) posture.
Somehow, other people that have Personal Fitness Trainers
have been Taught that curling a Barbell with elegance
is somehow different than that of curling Anger with elegance.
i tell you this; it is not...
{read the entire story and have access to 2,000+ articles from Coach Ilg at DIRECT LINES: Daily Meditations From Coach Ilg,
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