Bugs symbolize "Fear Dragons"...they come in Endless Forms...
to Battle and Transform yourself through your own Fear Dragons,
you might like to start by learning:
Coach's WF Tenet; Perpetuation of Rationalization-
When Your Spiritual Path Is About Ready To Run Over A Bug
Dear Coach,
Thank you for your WF Path...your combination of Eastern Teachings plus incredible (well, unbelievable) levels of Western Fitness is amazing.
Due to your Work the other day i had an Awakening because of a bug. As I was walking through my house, I came across a spider. My pulse skipping a beat, I nearly squashed it as i have for years. then i breathed (because of your Teachings) and in doing so I came upon a moment that seemed to 'expand' as you say. An amazing amount of odd, old, and just weird self talk happened in that 'expanded moment'....
I thought to myself, "What would Coach do in this Moment? Wait a minute, a Yoga Teacher the caliber Coach calls me a 'Noble Yogic Warrior' and here i am about to unconsciously kill this spider out of impulse!"
Then I thought more rationally; "But, what if it bit my children?" This self dialogue went on for a while. I finally could not stand the thought of that spider biting my child, so, i hate even writing it...i killed it.
Coach, i want to practice non-violence since you taught me that non-violence is the first Yogic Guideline...but, well, what should i do about dangerous insects and all the mosquitos, and creepy crawlies? What do you do in such circumstances?
your feeble and now karmically )*&^%!-up Student,
- KB
{Read Coach's utterly unique East-Meets-West answer over at DIRECT LINES: Subscription Format
to learn about Coach's WF Tenet; "Perpetuation of Rationalization"
attain a couple more Yogic Spiritual Arrows for your Quiver to use next time the "Bug Guru" (or any Fear Dragon) visits your Spiritual Path. Don't leave your Highest Workout behind...and
May All Fitness Warriors not abandon their Sweat or their Scripture when times comes to engage a Higher Way Through Bug Gurus (Fear Dragons.}

"Wanna know just how many times i have nearly gone down hard 'cuz of my Spiritual Path About Ready To Run Over A Bug?"
- coach dodging lizards, rolly-pollies, capillaries (ooops! i mean, CATEPILLARS), horny toads, and Brahman knows what else as he cranks another stellar Cardio Yoga session along the famous SlickRock Mountain Bike Trail near Moab, UT. Photo by Ananda