which move the human soul."
- Lama Anagarika Govinda

"The best things in life are nearest.
Breath in your nostrils,
light in your eyes,
flowers at your feet,
duties at your hand,
the path of right just before you."
- Robert Louis Stevenson
Ananda last week ripping one of her best yet mountain bike descents through the Kachina Wilderness. She has just climbed up to 8,852' from our Temple H(om)e at 7,200'. She has just flown down about 2 miles of world-class alpine singletrack and her smile would result in a 'perma-grin' all the way to Florida where she is visiting her dad.

"Nothing is worth more
than this day."
- Goethe
Backlit ponderosa infant. here is how much i Love you; i just had to 'slow my roll,' during the kickass 7-mile descent to take this picture and share it with you all. you know you're in Love with your Sangha when you stop during a nirvanic mountain bike descent to take pics!

On Any Given Monday at the Temple H(om)e;
cycling, yoga, and workout clothing drying on "Red Fox Deck"

"When eating bamboo sprouts,
remember the man who planted them."
- Eastern saying
May this Monday Morning DL help keep your feet grounded
and your breath a delight to be inJoyed and cultivated...
May your Practice Week ahead grant you Great Clarity and Gift you with Inner Wisdom
so All Beings Everywhere May Benefit...
that is all...
om so ti,
your loving coach
{READ THE ENTIRE PIECE including Coach's "Life By Example" of his killer workouts directly into
doing 'domestic duties' with loving appreciation...
let Coach help you find that truly, "your workout is everywhere' in his "Weekend Warriorism" essay and great pics!...}