I found your website very interesting, and would like to be on the newsletter/mailing list subscription to hear about new seminars and stuff, especially if they are near Toronto as that is where I am.

Most Noble Fitness Warrior Jordan,
head bowed to your reMembering of our Tribe!
the absolute BEST thing you could for your own Practice and to stay abreast of the ever torrential flow of inspiration and
special events is to become a DIRECT LINES Subscriber while working out on my various DVD's, books, etc. soooo much
value in each of those.
of course, Online Training is the Highest Level of Service that we offer; it's kinda like the Mt. Everest of Personal Fitness Training...genuine spiritual warriorism stuff!
just keep visiting the INDIRECT LINES forum that is refreshed nearly each day and is complimentary...
by viewing the CALENDAR section of the Visitor Cave,
you can stay tapped into where i will be speaking or appearing next.
in Strength & Spirit...
i bow to you from beneath the Sacred Mountain,
coach ilg, ryt/uscf/cpt
author/Total Body Transformation