Monday, June 29, 2009

It Ain't The Fish...

"Most men spend their entire lives fishing
never realizing that it's not fish
that they are after."
- Henry David Thoreau

When i first read that quote when i was a boy,
it hit me like a brick...

More on this insight coming up in DL,
i just want this m(om)ent and this great picture
taken by Ananda of myself fishing during Evening Brahmamuhurti
at local "Dogtown Lake" this past Friday
to influence your Practice today.

i want each of you to take some Stillness into your notion of "Personal Fitness"
to contemplate this paraphrase of "Dad Thoreau's";

"Most of us spend our entire lives working out...
never realizing that it's not {you fill in the blank} that we're after."

ilg asks Thee;
What IS IT
that you are working out so hard,
so long for?

Let me hear from you in the WF SanghaLounge;
you shape the DL Teachings...

Dancing, Loving, Sining, Living...Rev. Ilg

as though no one is watching you,
as though you have never been hurt before,
as though no one can hear you,
as though heaven is on earth.

- unknown

DL and iDL will be back tomorrow
as Reverend Steve Ilg is officiating a Wedding...

if you would like to have "the world's fittest human"
officiate a Wedding, House Blessing, or Renew Vows,
contact Coach directly via email;
coach {at} wholisticfitness {dot} com

photo 1) the Reverend Ilg bouldering in So Cal. photo; ilg archives.
photo 2) checkpoint, Death Valley during the 508. photo: LA Times

Friday, June 26, 2009

Thanks For Training Me For This, Coach!

Received much more than expected coach.
Great TAPER 3 day program!!!
I believe you saved my ride!!!
Doing the TAPER to the letter…getting ready for blast off.
I just ordered your Pranic Junkie book from the internet.

Om Mani Padme Hung!

Deeply Grateful Warrior,
your Mexican Warrior, Fidel


This Sunday, our Tribe's most noble Mexican Warrior, Fidel,
is about to Toe The Start Line of an UltraCycling Race...
i've been working online with this great, great, student whose
command of English (and training compliance) outshines most of my American Students!
whereas most cycling coaches would be telling him to ride, ride, ride...
instead, i've been sending Fidel special pranayams, a Blessed Mantra program,
early morning rituals, a SUNRIDER herb
and MAP Amino Acid regime and he is FLYING!!!!

What a Gift this family warrior is to our Sangha...
we'll be posting his race report in the SanghaLounge,
so this Sunday; send some WF Tribal CHI down south for Flying Fidel!!!

Vamos Mi Hermano, VAMOS!!!
keep those elbows low, your spine flat, and snap those knees up top!

Blessings on your race,
coach on behalf of the WF Sangha!

ilg bows to MJ's Bardo Entry...

i devote this DL to a Being whose undeniable Presence and command of chi added deep, colorful dimension to millions of us.

The first time i saw Michael Jackson float through his nearly surreal "Moonwalk," my own Earthwalk was immeasurably deepened with joy and appreciation. As one of Boulder's 'disco kings,' during the eighties, my vocabulary is not equipped adequately to relate just how many nights and early mornings were spent dancing to his yin/yang vocals and irresistible rhythms which truly mesmerized an entire few generations.

Can you recall when MTV kept announcing the premiere of "Thriller"? Oh my God, it was like way better than some dumb spaceship launch or something. Most of us had to make sure we had a babe with which to view this pivotal event. On the premiere night of Thriller, i had to work at Farentinos Gym...had to close the gym. Fortunately, MTV would keep running Thriller at specific intervals, so knowing i had to close the gym on time (9 pm), i began vacuuming the floor of the immense gym at like 8 pm, infuriating the few late night warriors of the Iron Temple. i didn't care...for God's sake, THRILLER was coming up! Jimmy, my colleague (with whom i helped produce the worlds first Plyometric training book), helped our quest for we were both fanatics about MTV and, well, girls. The two, you see, went hand in hand back then. Jimmy sprinted over to (i forget the name of) the grocery store to gather a loaf of bread, turkey slices and tomatoes. Bursting through the door with food in hand, with practiced ease, we did an assembly line production of lying out the bread slices, layering vast amounts of sliced turkey upon them, topped off the affair with tomatoes, turned on the TV the rest of the nation, proceeded to get blown away by THRILLER. Go(o)d times, those. Thanks, MJ.

In some ways, MJ was an avatar of Shakti energy. He seemed not of this world. Besides his absolute lack of respect for gravity and utter fluidity of grace, MJ always presented an androgynous physical presence which tested everyone's judgmental attitudes regarding race, gender and age. MJ was a guru; at least for ilg. He slayed the darkness of social and musical convention and danced to the tune of different beat and "just beat it, beat it, beat it," into me and i loved him for that and i love his Atman now as 'he' dances 'his' way through the Bardo, which ilg is certain 'he' will do with as much grace and flair as his physical incarnation once did onstage.

Om Mani Padme Hung
Dharma Blessings to all those who judged MJ as he challenged our tolerance capacities.

May All Beings In All Realms Be Freed Of Suffering And Know The Causations Of Suffering.

i would love to hear your MJ memorials in the WF SanghaLounge...

former disco king,

photo; Stephen Osman, LA Times

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Two Lifelong World Class Workouts You Can't Get ANYwhere Else!

Thanks! Cranked the Torso Workout tonight, what a great workout! Thanks again for your wonderful teachings!


HP PROP® The TORSO WORKOUT® ONLY $10!!! created, used, and sworn by; steve ilg and legions of WF Warriors the world over! RIPPED, POWERFUL, FUNCTIONAL ABS STRAIGHT AHEAD! Intent: physical - A superior, no weight workout to utterly demolish the midsection and neurally infuse the torso rotation musculature. spiritual - stirs and rouses the energetics associated with the first three chakras to help awaken and condition the nadic system to handle upcoming amplitudes of pranic empowerment. Frequency: Beginners; once per seven days. Intermediates; twice per seven days on non-consecutive days. Advanced; 3x weekly on non-consecutive days; maturity length of 3 weeks before a mandatory two-week recovery phase. Dharma Weaponry Needed: * 3 Form Power Blocks (can be purchased at; * 1 HP Yoga Prop Workout DVD (sold separately; see below) REMEMBER; No Shipping or Handling Fees on any Pay-Per-PDF!

get going right here for only $10:

uh oh...
don't tell me!!?!?!!?
you STILL don't have the HP PROP WORKOUT DVD?

A WORLD EXCLUSIVE WORKOUT FROM A WORLD CLASS ATHLETE! "Who needs a gym?" Utterly unique, extremely intelligent blend of vinyasa (powerful flow) yoga with Western Sport Performance Training! NOTHING ELSE LIKE IT! Created, developed, and used by Coach Ilg in preparation for his unprecedented appearance in Five World Championships in four physiologically diverse sports! HP Prop Workouts® are the epitome of American Asana! Divided into 3 sections for your sweating pleasure; Intro, The Full Workout, and Ab's Only. Produced by Wayne Williams. 1 hour and 20 minutes of Inner Weaponary Development for Sweating Out Stress and Rising HIGHER, baby! "Ain't so baadd!!! CAN do it!" - Coach Ilg
get it right here, right now:


"The difference between insanity and genius lies in success..."
- unknown

and SWEAT Noble Warrior!!!!!!!

photo 1; still footage from Wayne William's masterful production of the HP Yoga® PROP WORKOUT DVD.
photo 2 by Ananda; ilg in his private zendo, field testing another HP PROP sequence for his next class...note the his inclusion of YogaToes® to deepen the nadic influence of this multi-dimensional, functional fitness workout.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Headstand and the Three Realities of the Genuine Human Being

NOTE: this first appeared in DL on September 12, 2005. i have republished it due to auspicious synchronicity connecting several WF Online Students. May this be of benefit to all Awakening Warriors Along The Higher (and sometimes upside down) Way...
- coach


Headstand and the Three Realities of the Genuine Human Being

by Coach Ilg

Iyengar said it best, perhaps; "All these people rush up to me wanting me to teach them Headstand (sirsasana) when they can't even stand on their two feet yet!"

In Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, only a few coaching words are given to the practice of asana. You would think modern man would not screw up a few sentences of ancient script, yet, sure enough; we did. The Sutras read;
"That which is a steady and comfortable posture is asana." - II; 46
"That sort which is effortless and lasts until the completion of the samadhi." - II;47

or, let me re-Word this for additional dimension to our 'modern minds':

"Each asana is to be done to reflect the meaning of the word, asana, which means "to take a seat upon"; thus each yogic posture should be practiced as if it were a meditation cushion; the spine straight, the body steady, and the thought waves of the mind should be become expansive and easy by engagement of the breath awareness." - II;46 Ilg Translation

"Steadiness and gracefulness within the posture is to be attained through constant practice of awareness, concentration (dharana), and meditation (dhyana) until the mind (manas) becomes absorbed in the absolute (samadhi)." - II;47 Ilg Translation.

Notice in Verse 47 how many elements of the 10 Yogic Commandments are to be included in an asana; 5 out of 10! Why do you TAF that the Ancient Masters told us to Practice first things first; Practice the 10 Commandments of Yoga before 'graduating' into the postures! See the Meditation Chapter of the Jeweled Lotus Program in my book, TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION, for my transliteration of the 10 Yogic Commandments into a Fitness Warriors lifestyle. Consider this research as a form of your Svadhyaya!

Are you really ready for the True Headstand?

All great inversions must be grown from a beautiful Malasana (Yogi Squat, shown above) and Adho Mukha Svasana (Downward Facing Dog). There are in fact, Three Great Inversions; Headstand, Shoulderstand, and Handstand (aslamba sirsasana, sarvenganasana, adho muukha vrksasana respectively...of the three, Handstand is least medicinal yet most sought after by American studio yogis! fact is; a quality Downward Dog is far more beneficial of an inversion than a schleppy Handstand!)

First things first!

Otherwise; injured physical, mental, and energetic sheaths!

subscribe to Coach's Award Winning Teaching Blog TODAY!!!

photos of coach by Ananda.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

FINAL NOTE: 25% OFF ends at midnight tonight!

Primarily, i find Coach's attitude towards life inspiring. i strongly believe in the idea that if we wish to seek improvement in ourselves we should surround ourselves with people whom we admire and who possess qualities which we also wish to possess.

WF is the most well thought out life/fitness philosophy i had ever come across. No one else even comes close.

Austin Dimmer
Great Britain
Team Polar Storm

Most Cherished Tribal Sisters & Brothers

On this first day of Summer, my family and i again thank you for helping me turn the humble Helm in the next evolution of our precious path of self-transformation through multi-disciplined fitness.

· Your last chance to get 25% off selected items in the Wholistic Fitness Tribal Pro Shop ends at midnight TONIGHT!

· 25% OFF ALL DVDs, CDs, and BOOKS!

· PLUS (if you order something): a one-month FREE SUBSCRIPTION TO DIRECT LINES (or a 1-month extension if you're already subscribed)!

I'll apply the discount manually (and subscribe you to DL) after you submit your order. As long as you get your order in before tonight at midnight, you'll get 25% off and a free month of Direct Lines.

Invest in your WF practice TODAY, before this deal expires. Go get some CDs, DVDs, and books at 25% off:

Start Shopping Now!

Thanks again for sharing your opinions and helping shape the future of Wholistic Fitness.

If you haven't yet sent in your answers to my questions, please do. Just look at the email I sent on Thursday.

Beyond the Barbells,
Beyond the Heart Pumping Intervals,
Out Beyond the Yoga Mat,
Even Beyond the Meditation Cushion,
and Mastery of Food...

the Sacred Precious Inner Awareness
Borne From A Sweat-based Life!

Enter WF there!

Refuse Specialization,
Embrace Wholeness.

Your Highest Workout is Everywhere,
it's in your spinal elegance as you read this,
it's in the Consciousness of your breath
as we say, "Namaste, Noble Warrior of the Within!"

Head bowed,
Hands folded at heart...


photo one:
WF Devotee Austin Dimmer chose WF Online Training to prepare him for Team Polar Storm. See DL Archives. Photo courtesy, Austin Dimmer.

photo two:
coach enjoys Vasisthasana before teaching his Tuesday night, HP Yoga Class at Northern Arizona Yoga Center
photo by:

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Last day for 25% off

Actual Response From This Weekend's Questionnaire:

2) What is not so pleasant about doing business with WF?

"...that Steve only teaches 2x a week locally - that there is only one physical manifestation of the ILG..."
- susan d


Namasté My Mighty Limb'd Warriors and Warrioress's of Wholeness!

If you already sent in your answers to my questions, a huge THANK YOU...ilg is learning a lot about how you are helping me evolute WF for the years ahead...really, really fun! I swear, our Tribe of WF is kinda like Seabiscuit (great American Dharma movie, by the way)...let me paraphrase; "Though we be but little, we are fierce...that's Shakespeare, boys."

My point is, ilg truly appreciates your time and consideration and such Metta streaming from so many of you! Oh!

If you haven’t taken your turn at the humble Helm and answered those six questions, you can still do so. Just look at the email I sent a few days ago.

* Don’t forget, the special 25% off “Thank-you Sale” ends at midnight tomorrow.

* 25% OFF ALL DVDs, CDs, and BOOKS in the Wholistic Fitness Tribal Pro Shop!

* PLUS (if you order something): a one-month FREE SUBSCRIPTION TO DIRECT LINES (or a 1-month extension if you’re already subscribed)!!!

I’ll apply the discount manually (and subscribe you to DL) after you submit your order. As long as you get your order in between now and Sunday night at midnight, you’ll get 25% off and a free month of Direct Lines.

Just visit the Wholistic Fitness Tribal Pro Shop. Order something now so you don’t miss out on the discount:

Start Shopping Now!

May your Practice be fierce and fun today and ever tuned to the most important direction of your life; Within.

Head bowed,
Hands folded at heart...


photo; Devoted HP Yogini, Spiritual Warrioress, Professional River Guide, Renown Southwest Artist, and WF Student Susan relies upon my "Rock Vinyasa" while on expeditions to keep her physical, mental, and spiritual gateways open, clear, and powerfully balanced. see my Interview with this Goddess of the Grand Canyon in Direct Lines Archives; search under 'Interview.' visit her website at:

Friday, June 19, 2009

THANK YOU! - WF Begins Her Next Evolution...From Your Input!

your feeble coach, the Magnificent Ananda, and our Rinpoche Dewachen...taken on the front deck of the WF Temple H(om)e two days ago. WF is beginning yet another new era in Her three decades of Dharma Service through peerless transpersonal fitness training...and the great thing about it is that I am letting YOU steer the humble Helm!


Yesterday I sent an email out to the entire WF Sangha, asking everyone to answer a few questions about their experiences with us.
As a gift to say THANKS, I have a special offering for your Metta.

Until midnight on Sunday, June 21 (TWO DAYS FROM NOW), you can get
25% OFF ALL DVDs, CDs, and BOOKS in the Wholistic Fitness Tribal Pro Shop!
PLUS (if you order something): a one-month FREE SUBSCRIPTION TO DIRECT LINES (or a 1-month extension if you’re already subscribed)!

I’ll apply the discount manually (and subscribe you to DL) after you submit your order. As long as you get your order in between now and Sunday night at midnight, you’ll get 25% off and a free month of Direct Lines.

Because we are a humble Temple, we may sell out very fast of some products, so order quickly and Practice Patience!

There’s never been a better time to invest in your WF practice with some information-packed WF products. Go see what you can get (DVDs, CDs, and books):

Start Shopping Now!

I’m holding this special sale as a way to say thank you for sharing your opinions and helping shape the future of Wholistic Fitness®.

If you haven’t sent in your answers to my questions, you can still do so. Here they are again:
1) Why do you do business with Wholistic Fitness, or visit us on the Web?
2) What is not so pleasant about doing business with us?
3) Have you visited similar Web sites/blogs? Have you ever purchased a product or service similar to what we offer from a different company?
4) If you did, how was that experience different from the experience you had with us?
5) Imagine a totally re-designed that’s so cool you can’t wait to visit it each day. Beyond a blog, what would you like to find there? What would you want to see, hear, and experience if (only) we were SMART enough to offer it to you?
6) What new products or services would help you along your Wholistic Fitness path?

Just email me at steve (at) wholisticfitness (dot) com with your answers.

By the way, if you’re not already on the Wholistic Fitness email list, sign up using the form on the right side of this page so you don’t miss out on future offerings! As a spiritual teacher and a competitive athlete, I reward two things for my sincere Students;
1) Gumption
2) Perseverance.

It's so great hearing your amazing comments - both the loving ones and the downright angry ones! What a great Blessing it is know that this humble Path is so uniquely powerful at enhancing the spiritual value of personal fitness. Buckle up, cuz' WF is gonna be reaching many more Seekers of a part of our Tribe right now!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Exercise Profile: Skilfull Hunting For An Elegant Crane Posture

photo from TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION; Green Tara HP Yoga Program/Bakasana (Crane Posture). this and other photos by Wayne Williams.

excerpt from Actual Training Exchange with WF Online Student C:


in the Yoga Discipline:
Comment: i LOVE HP Yoga Sun Salutations Series C!
Regarding your instructions: "Work on Crane Pose - (or variation and/or into a HEADSTAND for up to 3 minutes total)"

what is the variation?

If it is the single leg crane pose, I cannot touch it YET. Do I move directly from crane into headstand or is that a separate pose? If directly, can you give some guidance?

Coach Responds:
if Crane Posture is being resistant to enter into your asana practice, then i suggest building the appropriate functional strength through holding a traditional Chaturanga (see photo above). Continue your "Chata Holds" until you develop the breath-regulated stamina to hold the true Chaturanga posture for one minute of steady Ujjayi Pranayama with exhalations slightly longer then the inhalations. Master this and ilg promises, Crane Medicine will be delivered unto your SweatLodge (your physical body).

Another option is to play around with the offset biodynamics held within Eka Pada Bakasana or One Legged Crane Posture, shown above. I suggest re-studying my descriptions of these postures in TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION.

Finally and perhaps most effectively:
You can also more quickly develop Crane Medicine by performing what my students have 'affectionately' termed an 'Ilgaranda':

How to do an Ilgaranda:


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

STUDENT INPUT; of warrior song, critical workouts, and inspiration

got a quote about your journey (formal or not) of WF? lemme have it and share the Love of our MultiDisciplined Tribe of American-Made Yoga since 1982! keep attacking your weak physical links and your negative mental/emotional/spiritual habits; for that is the way to Wholeness and Truth - coach ilg

i've been following your work for like twenty years...always jumping on your Path, falling off, exploring more 'fancy-smancy' ones before reading another DL that just calls to my Heart of your unending Gift of 'multidisciplined sweat and stillness'. so today, across the horizon from you, i bow to you oh majestic teacher; standing strong and humble...i know your Path is a Sacred Way to Walk upon our Mother. Thank you for doing what you do, great warrior who makes my heart sing and life good.
- John Leafbow
North Dakota


" Honored Teacher,
look forward to seeing you in Prop, tomorrow evening. Getting back into the 'propped' breath. The complete annihilation of the ego that class provides has been a crucial factor in my temperament this past year. It has also been a critical part of my high level of fitness. When I find myself breathing calmly, through the pain, envisioning sun-stroked granite ridges or soaring lines of ice, I open my eyes to see the other warriors around me in class again, all climbing their own lines. Here's to tying in again. Salut.
- Bantu"



El coache’,

Your 4th at Iron Horse is INCREDIBLE!

You’re still killing it. Well done, you lead the way for us all.

Still think of you often, usually when I’m struggling up some climb on my bicycle.

Love the pics of your new family


mike powell
- Los Angeles


Thanks for your continued support and humour (go Lakers! And headstand humor – awesome!) hey...and are you targeting me with the last 5 practices in Yoga?? My hips are pretty mad at you!
- CK


Hi Coach,

I see that you will be racing in Pagosa Springs this July 11th. Sorry that I am going to miss seeing you there. I would have really enjoyed meeting you in person. I am planning on running the Devil Mountain 50k there on July 18th and will arrive in town on the 17th.

The Winter Athlete
is my go-to book for wisdom, inspiration and advice.

By the way, you wrote about the "climbing wall" on the outside of a saloon in Pagosa, is it still there? What is it called?

Keep on doing what you do.

Dave Bowman

Winnipeg, Manitoba

stock up on your ILG BOOKS now!


Great photos on facebook,seems you have more hairdo changes then Madona,I love it. Steve,

It is not just the hair,

I work in the fashion business and you have a ton of fashion "sense" we call it.

Just that gift for change and intuition of the "feel" of things.

Like a chameleon.

Not very common in athletes,that is for sure.

Okay I will get cracking on this program and email you questions which I am sure I will have.

WF Online Student E
- New Mexico


There was a bunch of silly posturing leading up to an audit committee meeting yesterday. The Senior VP felt that I was being soft and too accommodating. So pretty much both sides felt I was too the other way. I Zazen-ed prior to the meeting and was able to watch with compassion the president come in nervous and defensive. When he tried to attack, I remained silent and then later when requested, addressed the facts. It went very well. At the end the president was backing me up and the board was asking the right questions. These are baby steps not resolution, but it could have gone very differently where people take their corners and just postured unproductively. I left intact, still breathing, erect in my posture inwardly and outwardly.
- WF Online Student C

Monday, June 15, 2009


photo of Bantu and his son Rowan training on the Sacred Peak by


Most Treasured Sangha,
Some of you have wondered about Bantu and his ascent up Denali. Last Saturday, Ananda and i met Bantu with our children, Dewa (ours), Rowan (his). We placed our children into our bicycle trailers and wheeled through a magnificent early June afternoon toward one Flag's many fine city parks along one of Flags many fine sections of bicycle paths.

We swung our children. We frolicked with them in the green grasses. We clambered around on the playground sets, creating more difficult climbing moves for ourselves as we chased our children.

We did not speak of Denali. Nor the cold bite of arctic wind. Not one word was spoken about tangled, frozen ropes at 3:30 am after cramming freezing feet into diamond hard mountaineering boots while the constant howl of wind ripped at tent fabric.

Instead, we spoke about how "well trained" we both were - still - after HP PROP WORKOUT two days prior. We spoke of upcoming bike rides with our families and warm evenings to spend camping, bouldering, splashing in southwestern creeks.

ilg TAF's hard-core mountaineers do that. For, once having known the white windy summits of Turtle Island and elsewhere, we tend to sequester those high-intensity m(om)ents. Stuffing them gently yet firmly into our most sacred of places inside.

Here then, is Noble and World Class Mountaineer's Andrew "Bantu" Frost's final Denali Update. He sent it in a while ago...and it came attached with this personal note;

"Honored Teacher.
I am in Oregon. Rebuilding something essential in me. Just friends and flowers and long runs among the ancient trees, the cresting waves of fern and blackberry, the susurrus of salal against my ankles.

Today, we will stand Rowan before the Pacific's edge. And he will be a poem, I am certain.

Forgive my recent silence and absence. I have been practicing everywhere.
- Bantu"



one proofreader commented; "This is light-years more powerful than the stuff you read in the outdoor and climbing magazines!"

please subscribe to DL and join your MultiDisciplined Yogis of Focused Fun...

Friday, June 12, 2009

My entry last night on Facebook was:
"On behalf of nearly everyone in COLORADO (i can only assume),
thank you PENNS!"

My Facebook page after securing the user name,
from the stampede of legions trying to get choice names.

WF Devotee Timari gets 2nd at Laguna...

check it out at:
Timari's Blog

A Parent Must Forgive...So Too Does A Dharma Teacher

often, steering the helm of America's Original Transpersonal Fitness Service is sad and hurtful, even though constantly deeply sacred. Sometimes, steering of the humble Helm is best done by turning my training upside down so i can see from the inside out what it's like not to have a lifelong Path of Soul firing your every fiber. ilg feels only compassion for the many who attempt to copy the Path of WF. photos 1) WF Bumper Sticker available in the Pro Shop. graphics on this great sticker devoted by WF Devotee Brad Gantt. 2) Free hanging Inversion Crunches; an old ilg standard. by Ananda.


Noble Sangha,
listen closely, because i get this question several times per month...and it will only continue in the years ahead.

yes, there are former WF and HP Yoga Teachers and students that were not able to sustain the Steep and Direct Path of WF. for one reason or another, some of these 'WF Children" have produced their own websites and businesses which are blatant and even sophomoric rip offs from my LifeWork. some even use my quotes and slogans for their businesses. yet, rarely is my name ever mentioned. this type of disrespect for one's Root Teacher is best left to Karma. one of you asked, " this flattery or intellectual property right infringement?"

it's both plus substantial karmic and samskaric consequences.

ilg leaves that stuff to God. ilg stays focused on my sincere Path Followers without attachment to those who fall off the arduous and genuine Path of WF. my family and you Know with a capital "K" who ilg is and what ilg tries to put forth in my books and services. that is what matters most. it's obvious that both my fitness and LifeWork is pretty intense to attempt to match, so those who can't tend to rip me off. again; such lower chakral action is best left to karma and God, not ilg.

ilg always at Service...ilg has submitted to over a dozen articles to one of the popular Yoga magazines, each one mechanically refused. this particular 'vehicle of yoga' has a seemingly very un-yogic like tendency not to publish articles from teachers that do not purchase very expensive advertisements with them. ironically, this magazine used stock images of myself to sell their conferences which i remain uninvited to! "All karma is God." photo by Ananda.

as any Parent of Children knows, you just give sooooooo much of yourself in the early years of conscious parenting...then, as your Children attempt to find their own feet, their own 'stances' in the Outer World, some degree of rebellion is natural; "Oh God, Mom, Dad! Don't walk so close to me, my friends will see me with you! Yech!"...that type of thing. Though difficult and sad for the fatigued Parent, it is the Parent's role to weather such adolescent storms of self-discovery from their Children.

May all Beings be freed from avidya and know the causations of avidya. May all Beings honor their Root Teachers with their words, sweat, and stillness.

May all of you find the Sacredness within thyself and be Free from the opinions and slander of others.

Stay focused on having focused fun, and you heard it first:
"Why just workout, when you can work within?!"

head bowed,

the humble grandfather of Genuine American Cross Training since 1982

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Of Death, Of Birth, Of Mantra

this DL is dedicated to the Atman
of the Beings for which i've prayed
for Bardo Guidance through the Lineage Masters
of Navanada-yoga (aka; Wholistic Fitness)
during the past seven months of increased
ministerial requests from the students,
fans, and global sangha of our Tribe.
May your Practice be strong today and sincerely
focused on the inherent Enlightenment potential of
all Beings Everywhere.
- Rev. Steve Ilg


Transmission of Mantra

photos by ilg:
1) endurance yogi squatting close to Mother in 30-degree pre-dawn Brahmamurhurti this morning, i was able to frame this Broad-tailed Hummingbird Being within Grandmother Moon. her feathers are puffed from withstanding the still sub-freezing overnight lows here at the WF Temple H(om)e beneath the Sacred Peak. ilg prays; may all Bloggers, personal trainers, and teachers of yoga love you as much and work as hard as does feeble ilg to return all of us toward our grounded nature and appreciation of the LifeBreath. In the end, Mother Earth and Father Sky will dictate our Appropriate Actions toward Union.

2) this morning, my little lotus Dewachen celebrates her 21 month birthday by doing what she all-ways does; engaging Zen Mind with Beautiful Body.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

From The Himalaya With Love...WF Yogini Julie

click pics to really set the Prana pumping...
photos, captions, and text by one of my most resplendent Flagstaff Yoginis; Julie Mueller.

"Maybe this was just a vision..."

namasteji coache:

i am still processing my trip...
my WF training helped me immensely on the journey as our "strenuous" trek took on expedition qualities in a 3 day blizzard at 16,000ft, (we had no ropes, ice axes or crampons). it helped me focus on the matter at hand--stepping carefully but aggressively into the snow, foot by foot, instead of the what ifs (sliding down 300meter drops into frozen alpine lakes with the closest "village" a three day walk)...

only for DL SUBSCRIBERS! straight from the h(om)eland to you...

Product Profile; Baby and Toddler Fleece

To order a custom-made fleece outfit for that baby or toddler in or around your life,
contact Diana at:
tell her,
"Coach Ilg sent me!"

Dear Diana,
our daughter Dewa absolutely LOVES her personalized, custom made fleece jumper!
Living out here at 7577' in Baderville (BrrrVille!) makes this garment all the more precious!
thank you!

Steve, Joy, and Dewa
Flagstaff, AZ

ps; yes, that is a colander in which Dewa is being taken for a 'skyride'...

Monday, June 8, 2009

Come Race With The Ol' Man Himself!

finally updated my
click here:

2009 Race Calendar...

come, toe the Start Line with me!
live the chi

Headstand Humor

Headstands improve more than just endocrine and exocrine health, skeletal alignment, and discharge of kaphic tendencies...they also improve the MOST IMPORTANT ARROW in a spiritual athlete's quiver: HUMOR!!!! above photo: Abba and Dewa in Practice. by


Why should you always invite two Baptists to go fishing?
If you invite only one, he'll drink all your beer.
Invite two and they won't drink any.


Did you hear about the ship that ran aground carrying a cargo of
red and black paint?
It was marooned.


May your Practice be filled with humor and light-heartedness today...


Saturday, June 6, 2009

A Big Medicine Ride...

click on pics to enlarge the chi hit

i got this shot yesterday as well, after my ride described below, from my office window from where i write you now. i was taken by the harmonic artistry of these windswept cloud formations and the spaciousness of the blue between.


This evening the cloudscape is scarce...some long, lingering fingers of cirrus punctuated by a spackle of leftover cumulus out beyond Kendrick Peak, hovering over the Grand Canyon. ilg can hear the Canyon Wren's goodnight call from here.

Yesterday, in an attempt to stay out of an intrepid spring 'breeze' (which here means a flag will be flying straight out) i chose a mountain bike route that climbs toward the ski area along an old Stage Coach Route for it's first part and completes it's 13 kilometers at 9,300' from the WF Temple H(om)e at 7,353' along a network of...


Friday, June 5, 2009

Wholistic Style in FINLAND

Hey Steve!

Got your book on Amazon! Great stuff. Been doing gym, running swimming, and some yoga before I read your book so it felt like this is exactly what I've been looking for.

Started week 1 and I am just about to go out for the first interval session. I am certainly looking forward to it. Did both gym workouts and since I realized that I went into them too big headed I think I might keep the interval lengths in half for the first time. Your program is demonstrating how surprisingly unfit I am. I thought I was better than this. That is a good thing!

I think I might add some more stretching to the week and even considered starting every day with zazen meditation and yoga. I feel like twice/week is not enough! We'll see how things progress. I also think monday-friday works might be better for my lifestyle and weekends rest or only light working out.

THANKS for this.

Hopefully I can become a master warrior one day.

Markus Nylund

PS. suggestion for website: FAQ section and maybe a layout that is more in tune with your book!

PSS. showed book to my cousin and he went and ordered it online right away!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Race Report: Day Three - IRON HORSE

click on photos to deepen the Chi Hit...

"Doubt is a weakness in wholistic understanding and a lack of spiritual education. However, Doubt is required for the maturation of faith and self reliance. It is when we face doubts and difficulties that we determine whether our faith is an intellectual and conceptual one, or whether it is warrior strong, enduring, and anchored from the heartspace.
If you have faith, sooner or later it will be put to the test, and wherever the challenge comes from—from within you or from outside—it Sogyal Rinpoche says, 'simply part of the process of faith and doubt.'
As a Wholistic Fitness yogi we must all-Ways remember our maxim; There is no such thing as problems; only challenges...spiritual barbells waiting to be picked up so we may grow stronger and more whole."
- steve ilg

photo: me, after a Time Trial. Below: in my "Race of Truth" position, the most important asana of all asana's; the Time Trial position. both photos by the LA Times.

If we listen to the words of the New Ager's and the rookies along the Spiritual Path, we keep hearing the same old thing;
"It's not the end that matters, it's the journey."
ilg sez,
It IS the IS the Finish IS the PODIUM that matters MOST OF ALL!
Why? Because the Podium of the "Human Race" is God's's the Pure Land of Amitabha Buddha (Dewachen).

Sure, the process...the Journey is absolutely fantastic and awesome and YES, it IS the "going" that matters, yet it is the ARRIVING that matters most!...

DO NOT MISS THIS REALLY INCREDIBLY POTENT FINISH TO COACH's 4th Place Finish at the IRON HORSE BICYCLE CLASSIC with very little specific training...don't miss the heart-opening photos!!!

Monday, June 1, 2009


click on all the pics to enlarge the Chi Hit!

above photo: "Give me Wholism or give me death...NEVER Specialize!!!"
ilg rounds Corner #2 at last weekends Downtown Criterium in Durango, Colorado..."i want my podiums in cycling to reflect the versatility of my fitness - from mountain bikes to ultras to 60-minute criteriums, fortunately, i've been able to do just that!" - ilg. photo by Barak Naggan


4th place at Iron Horse!?!!!
Get out!
That’s righteous at that race man. Props to your fit ass for sure.
Oh the tribal sweat! The love of the friggin’ pain! Wallack and I spent some time talking about Ilgbro’s posture during the 2004 Furnace Creek 508…the absolute world record for the most perfect cycling posture I have ever seen! A redefining of aero positioning!

In sweat,
Ron Jones, Race Across America champion



"at 30 minutes into this mayhem, i was still with the leaders and began to find inner quiet in this forest of adrenalin. back when i used to race Crits each week, i knew that i was going to perform well when this quaint sense of relaxed awareness visited my throbbing thighs and screaming lungs. it's the strangest, most beautiful thing this dreamlike sensation of Divine Calmness during high-intensity effort and danger. of all the 23 sports i've practiced, only ice-climbing/mountaineering affords to me this same peculiar medicine of muscle-induced samadhi during intensity.

it was shortly thereafter ilg made a tactical mistake and nearly paid for it with my hide. for some insane reason, i figured i'd 'test the legs' of the leaders and put in a hard pull by going off the front and hammer for a lap... "