this DL is dedicated to the Atman
of the Beings for which i've prayed
for Bardo Guidance through the Lineage Masters
of Navanada-yoga (aka; Wholistic Fitness)
during the past seven months of increased
ministerial requests from the students,
fans, and global sangha of our Tribe.
May your Practice be strong today and sincerely
focused on the inherent Enlightenment potential of
all Beings Everywhere.
- Rev. Steve Ilg

Transmission of Mantra
photos by ilg:
1) endurance yogi squatting close to Mother in 30-degree pre-dawn Brahmamurhurti this morning, i was able to frame this Broad-tailed Hummingbird Being within Grandmother Moon. her feathers are puffed from withstanding the still sub-freezing overnight lows here at the WF Temple H(om)e beneath the Sacred Peak. ilg prays; may all Bloggers, personal trainers, and teachers of yoga love you as much and work as hard as does feeble ilg to return all of us toward our grounded nature and appreciation of the LifeBreath. In the end, Mother Earth and Father Sky will dictate our Appropriate Actions toward Union.
2) this morning, my little lotus Dewachen celebrates her 21 month birthday by doing what she all-ways does; engaging Zen Mind with Beautiful Body.