Thanks! Cranked the Torso Workout tonight, what a great workout! Thanks again for your wonderful teachings!
HP PROP® The TORSO WORKOUT® ONLY $10!!! created, used, and sworn by; steve ilg and legions of WF Warriors the world over! RIPPED, POWERFUL, FUNCTIONAL ABS STRAIGHT AHEAD! Intent: physical - A superior, no weight workout to utterly demolish the midsection and neurally infuse the torso rotation musculature. spiritual - stirs and rouses the energetics associated with the first three chakras to help awaken and condition the nadic system to handle upcoming amplitudes of pranic empowerment. Frequency: Beginners; once per seven days. Intermediates; twice per seven days on non-consecutive days. Advanced; 3x weekly on non-consecutive days; maturity length of 3 weeks before a mandatory two-week recovery phase. Dharma Weaponry Needed: * 3 Form Power Blocks (can be purchased at; www.YogaPro.com) * 1 HP Yoga Prop Workout DVD (sold separately; see below) REMEMBER; No Shipping or Handling Fees on any Pay-Per-PDF!
get going right here for only $10:
uh oh...
don't tell me!!?!?!!?
you STILL don't have the HP PROP WORKOUT DVD?

A WORLD EXCLUSIVE WORKOUT FROM A WORLD CLASS ATHLETE! "Who needs a gym?" Utterly unique, extremely intelligent blend of vinyasa (powerful flow) yoga with Western Sport Performance Training! NOTHING ELSE LIKE IT! Created, developed, and used by Coach Ilg in preparation for his unprecedented appearance in Five World Championships in four physiologically diverse sports! HP Prop Workouts® are the epitome of American Asana! Divided into 3 sections for your sweating pleasure; Intro, The Full Workout, and Ab's Only. Produced by Wayne Williams. 1 hour and 20 minutes of Inner Weaponary Development for Sweating Out Stress and Rising HIGHER, baby! "Ain't so baadd!!!...you CAN do it!" - Coach Ilg
get it right here, right now:
"The difference between insanity and genius lies in success..."
- unknown
and SWEAT Noble Warrior!!!!!!!
photo 1; still footage from Wayne William's masterful production of the HP Yoga® PROP WORKOUT DVD.
photo 2 by Ananda; ilg in his private zendo, field testing another HP PROP sequence for his next class...note the his inclusion of YogaToes® to deepen the nadic influence of this multi-dimensional, functional fitness workout.