i devote this DL to a Being whose undeniable Presence and command of chi added deep, colorful dimension to millions of us.
The first time i saw Michael Jackson float through his nearly surreal "Moonwalk," my own Earthwalk was immeasurably deepened with joy and appreciation. As one of Boulder's 'disco kings,' during the eighties, my vocabulary is not equipped adequately to relate just how many nights and early mornings were spent dancing to his yin/yang vocals and irresistible rhythms which truly mesmerized an entire few generations.
Can you recall when MTV kept announcing the premiere of "Thriller"? Oh my God, it was like way better than some dumb spaceship launch or something. Most of us had to make sure we had a babe with which to view this pivotal event. On the premiere night of Thriller, i had to work at Farentinos Gym...had to close the gym. Fortunately, MTV would keep running Thriller at specific intervals, so knowing i had to close the gym on time (9 pm), i began vacuuming the floor of the immense gym at like 8 pm, infuriating the few late night warriors of the Iron Temple. i didn't care...for God's sake, THRILLER was coming up! Jimmy, my colleague (with whom i helped produce the worlds first Plyometric training book), helped our quest for we were both fanatics about MTV and, well, girls. The two, you see, went hand in hand back then. Jimmy sprinted over to (i forget the name of) the grocery store to gather a loaf of bread, turkey slices and tomatoes. Bursting through the door with food in hand, with practiced ease, we did an assembly line production of lying out the bread slices, layering vast amounts of sliced turkey upon them, topped off the affair with tomatoes, turned on the TV and...like the rest of the nation, proceeded to get blown away by THRILLER. Go(o)d times, those. Thanks, MJ.
In some ways, MJ was an avatar of Shakti energy. He seemed not of this world. Besides his absolute lack of respect for gravity and utter fluidity of grace, MJ always presented an androgynous physical presence which tested everyone's judgmental attitudes regarding race, gender and age. MJ was a guru; at least for ilg. He slayed the darkness of social and musical convention and danced to the tune of different beat and "just beat it, beat it, beat it," into me and i loved him for that and i love his Atman now as 'he' dances 'his' way through the Bardo, which ilg is certain 'he' will do with as much grace and flair as his physical incarnation once did onstage.
Om Mani Padme Hung
Dharma Blessings to all those who judged MJ as he challenged our tolerance capacities.
May All Beings In All Realms Be Freed Of Suffering And Know The Causations Of Suffering.
i would love to hear your MJ memorials in the WF SanghaLounge...
former disco king,
photo; Stephen Osman, LA Times