often, steering the helm of America's Original Transpersonal Fitness Service is sad and hurtful, even though constantly deeply sacred. Sometimes, steering of the humble Helm is best done by turning my training upside down so i can see from the inside out what it's like not to have a lifelong Path of Soul firing your every fiber. ilg feels only compassion for the many who attempt to copy the Path of WF. photos 1) WF Bumper Sticker available in the Pro Shop. graphics on this great sticker devoted by WF Devotee Brad Gantt. 2) Free hanging Inversion Crunches; an old ilg standard. by Ananda.
Noble Sangha,
listen closely, because i get this question several times per month...and it will only continue in the years ahead.
yes, there are former WF and HP Yoga Teachers and students that were not able to sustain the Steep and Direct Path of WF. for one reason or another, some of these 'WF Children" have produced their own websites and businesses which are blatant and even sophomoric rip offs from my LifeWork. some even use my quotes and slogans for their businesses. yet, rarely is my name ever mentioned. this type of disrespect for one's Root Teacher is best left to Karma. one of you asked, "...is this flattery or intellectual property right infringement?"
it's both plus substantial karmic and samskaric consequences.
ilg leaves that stuff to God. ilg stays focused on my sincere Path Followers without attachment to those who fall off the arduous and genuine Path of WF. my family and you Know with a capital "K" who ilg is and what ilg tries to put forth in my books and services. that is what matters most. it's obvious that both my fitness and LifeWork is pretty intense to attempt to match, so those who can't tend to rip me off. again; such lower chakral action is best left to karma and God, not ilg.

ilg always at Service...ilg has submitted to over a dozen articles to one of the popular Yoga magazines, each one mechanically refused. this particular 'vehicle of yoga' has a seemingly very un-yogic like tendency not to publish articles from teachers that do not purchase very expensive advertisements with them. ironically, this magazine used stock images of myself to sell their conferences which i remain uninvited to! "All karma is God." photo by Ananda.
as any Parent of Children knows, you just give sooooooo much of yourself in the early years of conscious parenting...then, as your Children attempt to find their own feet, their own 'stances' in the Outer World, some degree of rebellion is natural; "Oh God, Mom, Dad! Don't walk so close to me, my friends will see me with you! Yech!"...that type of thing. Though difficult and sad for the fatigued Parent, it is the Parent's role to weather such adolescent storms of self-discovery from their Children.
May all Beings be freed from avidya and know the causations of avidya. May all Beings honor their Root Teachers with their words, sweat, and stillness.
May all of you find the Sacredness within thyself and be Free from the opinions and slander of others.
Stay focused on having focused fun, and you heard it first:
"Why just workout, when you can work within?!"
head bowed,
the humble grandfather of Genuine American Cross Training since 1982