2) What is not so pleasant about doing business with WF?
"...that Steve only teaches 2x a week locally - that there is only one physical manifestation of the ILG..."
- susan d
Namasté My Mighty Limb'd Warriors and Warrioress's of Wholeness!
If you already sent in your answers to my questions, a huge THANK YOU...ilg is learning a lot about how you are helping me evolute WF for the years ahead...really, really fun! I swear, our Tribe of WF is kinda like Seabiscuit (great American Dharma movie, by the way)...let me paraphrase; "Though we be but little, we are fierce...that's Shakespeare, boys."
My point is, ilg truly appreciates your time and consideration and such Metta streaming from so many of you! Oh!
If you haven’t taken your turn at the humble Helm and answered those six questions, you can still do so. Just look at the email I sent a few days ago.
* Don’t forget, the special 25% off “Thank-you Sale” ends at midnight tomorrow.
* 25% OFF ALL DVDs, CDs, and BOOKS in the Wholistic Fitness Tribal Pro Shop!
* PLUS (if you order something): a one-month FREE SUBSCRIPTION TO DIRECT LINES (or a 1-month extension if you’re already subscribed)!!!
I’ll apply the discount manually (and subscribe you to DL) after you submit your order. As long as you get your order in between now and Sunday night at midnight, you’ll get 25% off and a free month of Direct Lines.
Just visit the Wholistic Fitness Tribal Pro Shop. Order something now so you don’t miss out on the discount:
Start Shopping Now!
May your Practice be fierce and fun today and ever tuned to the most important direction of your life; Within.
Head bowed,
Hands folded at heart...
photo; Devoted HP Yogini, Spiritual Warrioress, Professional River Guide, Renown Southwest Artist, and WF Student Susan relies upon my "Rock Vinyasa" while on expeditions to keep her physical, mental, and spiritual gateways open, clear, and powerfully balanced. see my Interview with this Goddess of the Grand Canyon in Direct Lines Archives; search under 'Interview.' visit her website at: www.susandetering.com