your feeble coach, the Magnificent Ananda, and our Rinpoche Dewachen...taken on the front deck of the WF Temple H(om)e two days ago. WF is beginning yet another new era in Her three decades of Dharma Service through peerless transpersonal fitness training...and the great thing about it is that I am letting YOU steer the humble Helm!
Yesterday I sent an email out to the entire WF Sangha, asking everyone to answer a few questions about their experiences with us.
As a gift to say THANKS, I have a special offering for your Metta.
Until midnight on Sunday, June 21 (TWO DAYS FROM NOW), you can get
25% OFF ALL DVDs, CDs, and BOOKS in the Wholistic Fitness Tribal Pro Shop!
PLUS (if you order something): a one-month FREE SUBSCRIPTION TO DIRECT LINES (or a 1-month extension if you’re already subscribed)!
I’ll apply the discount manually (and subscribe you to DL) after you submit your order. As long as you get your order in between now and Sunday night at midnight, you’ll get 25% off and a free month of Direct Lines.
Because we are a humble Temple, we may sell out very fast of some products, so order quickly and Practice Patience!
There’s never been a better time to invest in your WF practice with some information-packed WF products. Go see what you can get (DVDs, CDs, and books):
Start Shopping Now!
I’m holding this special sale as a way to say thank you for sharing your opinions and helping shape the future of Wholistic Fitness®.
If you haven’t sent in your answers to my questions, you can still do so. Here they are again:
1) Why do you do business with Wholistic Fitness, or visit us on the Web?
2) What is not so pleasant about doing business with us?
3) Have you visited similar Web sites/blogs? Have you ever purchased a product or service similar to what we offer from a different company?
4) If you did, how was that experience different from the experience you had with us?
5) Imagine a totally re-designed WholisticFitness.com that’s so cool you can’t wait to visit it each day. Beyond a blog, what would you like to find there? What would you want to see, hear, and experience if (only) we were SMART enough to offer it to you?
6) What new products or services would help you along your Wholistic Fitness path?
Just email me at steve (at) wholisticfitness (dot) com with your answers.
By the way, if you’re not already on the Wholistic Fitness email list, sign up using the form on the right side of this page so you don’t miss out on future offerings! As a spiritual teacher and a competitive athlete, I reward two things for my sincere Students;
1) Gumption
2) Perseverance.
It's so great hearing your amazing comments - both the loving ones and the downright angry ones! What a great Blessing it is know that this humble Path is so uniquely powerful at enhancing the spiritual value of personal fitness. Buckle up, cuz' WF is gonna be reaching many more Seekers of Wholeness...be a part of our Tribe right now!