NOTE: this first appeared in DL on September 12, 2005. i have republished it due to auspicious synchronicity connecting several WF Online Students. May this be of benefit to all Awakening Warriors Along The Higher (and sometimes upside down) Way...
- coach
Headstand and the Three Realities of the Genuine Human Being
by Coach Ilg
Iyengar said it best, perhaps; "All these people rush up to me wanting me to teach them Headstand (sirsasana) when they can't even stand on their two feet yet!"
In Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, only a few coaching words are given to the practice of asana. You would think modern man would not screw up a few sentences of ancient script, yet, sure enough; we did. The Sutras read;
"That which is a steady and comfortable posture is asana." - II; 46
"That sort which is effortless and lasts until the completion of the samadhi." - II;47
or, let me re-Word this for additional dimension to our 'modern minds':
"Each asana is to be done to reflect the meaning of the word, asana, which means "to take a seat upon"; thus each yogic posture should be practiced as if it were a meditation cushion; the spine straight, the body steady, and the thought waves of the mind should be become expansive and easy by engagement of the breath awareness." - II;46 Ilg Translation
"Steadiness and gracefulness within the posture is to be attained through constant practice of awareness, concentration (dharana), and meditation (dhyana) until the mind (manas) becomes absorbed in the absolute (samadhi)." - II;47 Ilg Translation.
Notice in Verse 47 how many elements of the 10 Yogic Commandments are to be included in an asana; 5 out of 10! Why do you TAF that the Ancient Masters told us to Practice first things first; Practice the 10 Commandments of Yoga before 'graduating' into the postures! See the Meditation Chapter of the Jeweled Lotus Program in my book, TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION, for my transliteration of the 10 Yogic Commandments into a Fitness Warriors lifestyle. Consider this research as a form of your Svadhyaya!
Are you really ready for the True Headstand?

All great inversions must be grown from a beautiful Malasana (Yogi Squat, shown above) and Adho Mukha Svasana (Downward Facing Dog). There are in fact, Three Great Inversions; Headstand, Shoulderstand, and Handstand (aslamba sirsasana, sarvenganasana, adho muukha vrksasana respectively...of the three, Handstand is least medicinal yet most sought after by American studio yogis! fact is; a quality Downward Dog is far more beneficial of an inversion than a schleppy Handstand!)
First things first!
Otherwise; injured physical, mental, and energetic sheaths!
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photos of coach by Ananda.