Primarily, i find Coach's attitude towards life inspiring. i strongly believe in the idea that if we wish to seek improvement in ourselves we should surround ourselves with people whom we admire and who possess qualities which we also wish to possess.
WF is the most well thought out life/fitness philosophy i had ever come across. No one else even comes close.
Austin Dimmer
Great Britain
Team Polar Storm

Most Cherished Tribal Sisters & Brothers
On this first day of Summer, my family and i again thank you for helping me turn the humble Helm in the next evolution of our precious path of self-transformation through multi-disciplined fitness.
· Your last chance to get 25% off selected items in the Wholistic Fitness Tribal Pro Shop ends at midnight TONIGHT!
· 25% OFF ALL DVDs, CDs, and BOOKS!
· PLUS (if you order something): a one-month FREE SUBSCRIPTION TO DIRECT LINES (or a 1-month extension if you're already subscribed)!
I'll apply the discount manually (and subscribe you to DL) after you submit your order. As long as you get your order in before tonight at midnight, you'll get 25% off and a free month of Direct Lines.
Invest in your WF practice TODAY, before this deal expires. Go get some CDs, DVDs, and books at 25% off:
Start Shopping Now!
Thanks again for sharing your opinions and helping shape the future of Wholistic Fitness.
If you haven't yet sent in your answers to my questions, please do. Just look at the email I sent on Thursday.
Beyond the Barbells,
Beyond the Heart Pumping Intervals,
Out Beyond the Yoga Mat,
Even Beyond the Meditation Cushion,
and Mastery of Food...
the Sacred Precious Inner Awareness
Borne From A Sweat-based Life!
Enter WF there!
Refuse Specialization,
Embrace Wholeness.
Your Highest Workout is Everywhere,
it's in your spinal elegance as you read this,
it's in the Consciousness of your breath
as we say, "Namaste, Noble Warrior of the Within!"
Head bowed,
Hands folded at heart...
photo one:
WF Devotee Austin Dimmer chose WF Online Training to prepare him for Team Polar Storm. See DL Archives. Photo courtesy, Austin Dimmer.
photo two:
coach enjoys Vasisthasana before teaching his Tuesday night, HP Yoga Class at Northern Arizona Yoga Center
photo by: www.jamesqmartin.com