i've been following your work for like twenty years...always jumping on your Path, falling off, exploring more 'fancy-smancy' ones before reading another DL that just calls to my Heart of your unending Gift of 'multidisciplined sweat and stillness'. so today, across the horizon from you, i bow to you oh majestic teacher; standing strong and humble...i know your Path is a Sacred Way to Walk upon our Mother. Thank you for doing what you do, great warrior who makes my heart sing and life good.
- John Leafbow
North Dakota

" Honored Teacher,
look forward to seeing you in Prop, tomorrow evening. Getting back into the 'propped' breath. The complete annihilation of the ego that class provides has been a crucial factor in my temperament this past year. It has also been a critical part of my high level of fitness. When I find myself breathing calmly, through the pain, envisioning sun-stroked granite ridges or soaring lines of ice, I open my eyes to see the other warriors around me in class again, all climbing their own lines. Here's to tying in again. Salut.
- Bantu"
El coache’,
Your 4th at Iron Horse is INCREDIBLE!
You’re still killing it. Well done, you lead the way for us all.
Still think of you often, usually when I’m struggling up some climb on my bicycle.
Love the pics of your new family
mike powell
- Los Angeles
Thanks for your continued support and humour (go Lakers! And headstand humor – awesome!) hey...and are you targeting me with the last 5 practices in Yoga?? My hips are pretty mad at you!
- CK

Hi Coach,
I see that you will be racing in Pagosa Springs this July 11th. Sorry that I am going to miss seeing you there. I would have really enjoyed meeting you in person. I am planning on running the Devil Mountain 50k there on July 18th and will arrive in town on the 17th.
The Winter Athlete is my go-to book for wisdom, inspiration and advice.
By the way, you wrote about the "climbing wall" on the outside of a saloon in Pagosa, is it still there? What is it called?
Keep on doing what you do.
Dave Bowman
Winnipeg, Manitoba
stock up on your ILG BOOKS now!

Great photos on facebook,seems you have more hairdo changes then Madona,I love it. Steve,
It is not just the hair,
I work in the fashion business and you have a ton of fashion "sense" we call it.
Just that gift for change and intuition of the "feel" of things.
Like a chameleon.
Not very common in athletes,that is for sure.
Okay I will get cracking on this program and email you questions which I am sure I will have.
WF Online Student E
- New Mexico
There was a bunch of silly posturing leading up to an audit committee meeting yesterday. The Senior VP felt that I was being soft and too accommodating. So pretty much both sides felt I was too the other way. I Zazen-ed prior to the meeting and was able to watch with compassion the president come in nervous and defensive. When he tried to attack, I remained silent and then later when requested, addressed the facts. It went very well. At the end the president was backing me up and the board was asking the right questions. These are baby steps not resolution, but it could have gone very differently where people take their corners and just postured unproductively. I left intact, still breathing, erect in my posture inwardly and outwardly.
- WF Online Student C