has been declared 100% CONTAINED, baby!

{you may recall this DL shot from this past March...i was cross country ski training right near Woody Mountain which is just a few kilometers from the WF Temple H(om), these same magnificent Tree Beings are but charred remnants of how they appear in this photo. The Woody Mountain Fire was human caused by humans...another fire across the street was started by a human...smoking a cigarette. May ALL BEINGS EVERYWHERE be freed from Ignorance and Care For Their Mother (Earth) by developing Consciousness Through Daily Practice.}
The WF Temple H(om)e is SAFE,
the Temple Cat Beings, Charlie and Jasper, can now stop bugging me and be allowed back outside,
and can enjoy your time spent with your Daddy
in full knowledge that your Home and Family beneath the Sacred Peak are just cranking.
i experienced a fantastic spiritual/energetic breakthrough during this challenging time and over on DL, i will be most excited to bring to you this DharmaGem arising out of what could have been ashes...
i bow to your Practice of Patience with our humble Temple Beneath The STILL GREEN CANOPY OF THE GIANT PONDEROSAS!
om so ti,
coach ilg