This Path is magic...yesterday, i responded elegantly to an Angry Dragon because i Sensed the Fear behind his Anger at me. This morning? That Dragon has been Met, Calmed, and now Walks the WF Path again with more CHI FORCE than ever before.
photo above: Coach practicing the Ai Imawa posture; Meeting The Dragon. These Taoist Postures are practiced by WF Students so we are trained to meet Difficulty with Breath and Posture thereby creating the suppleness and space to respond with Compassion and Love instead of reactive egoic defenses. Photo by Ananda, near Red Mountain, Arizona located near the WF Temple H(om)e.
Namaste Noble Warriors!
Yesterday's entry was especially poignant...and, after i chose to use "D's" letter as a DharmaTeaching not only for "D", yet for all of us, my heart was still a bit achy... i have lived most of my life struggling for money or sponsorship to enter the next race or climb the next mountain...physical or metaphysical.
So, this morning, when i saw that "D" had replied to my public DharmaTeaching of his email to me which called me names, i must admit i thought to myself, "Oh boy, here we go...he is gonna unleash more anger at me," what i found instead were Divine Words uttered from a most Noble Warrior whose Heart had seen the Opening in my counsel and whose courage rose above his ego. Here is the email from "D" and my response...
this is BIG stuff and we can ALL learn from Noble Warrior D;
I must tell you how sorry I am for what I wrote,and ask for your
forgiveness. As I re-read my words I saw how selfish they were.
And when I read what you wrote I cried.
You're right it's not about you or charging for DL.It's about my
anger over what is happening in my life and not taking responsibility
for my part in it. The bike race analogy was right on.The group has
dropped me and how do I react? By getting mad at the group,for doing
the only thing it can do,its job.Very lame and weak of me.
I don't think I'm really ready to become a formal student. If I was
the means would come into my life.Or I've made the statement to God
that I'm ready and He is saying "Really? Show me. Work a crappy job for
the money."
Please keep putting teasers(for lack of a better word) on the InDirect Lines.
I will use them as motivation, and a reminder of an email I wish I hadn't sent.
Again,I'm very sorry for any hurt I've caused.
feeble,lame,weak d
Noble Warrior D,
you are far from feeble, lame, or weak.
in fact, you have just scored an absolutely HUGE inner victory over your ahamkaric (egoic) force. it is i who bow to you...
in my response to your Anger Filled Email, i offered you alone the choice as to how to take my Teaching...
how much you wanted to be changed - Higher or Lower - was left in your lap. You chose the Higher Way... the Way of Love and Fearlessness.
Warrior D,
always remember this; no one forces you to learn,
you must learn to love to learn...EVERYTHING!
even Difficulty.
in honor of your Choice to take the Warrior's High Path, i offer you a standing 15% discount off of any product or service in the WF Tribal Catalog (exceptions; Retreats and Intensives).
my own Practice has been Deepened by yours...
thank you and soldier on, Warrior...soldier on!
upward, onward, and endlessly inward,
your Loving Coach