"Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly..."
- John Cage
Coach nearing "Lift Off" in Natrajasasana, the Cosmic Dancer Pose, captured by world famous Marc Romanelli. This photo was taken near one of my favorite rock climbing areas when i lived in the New Mexico towns of Santa Fe, Teseque, and Pojoaque.
Tribal Brothers and Sisters of Sweat and Stillness..
you wanna feel like SOARING...you want that yogic sensation of "Laghuva" (bodily lightness)?!?!
WHO DOESN'T?!?! it feels like everyday you are the SKY!
DL is getting WAY CRANKED UP, baby!
You do NOT want to miss today's entry on DL Subscription format! Some excerpts:
"when i was doing extreme winter mountaineering and technical ice climbing, the notion of my impermanence was as heavy upon my soul as was my backpack upon my back...."
"One reason why i created HP Yoga® techniques such as the "Hold and Hover" Technique, is to impart upon the nerves a willpower that retrains the neural fabric to "soften" while under physical duress."
"...since the more advanced yogic practices which condition our subtle anatomy - think here of Mula Bandha - begin as mere physical locks, then transform into psychic + physical, before maturing eventually into..."
"The Energy of Enlightenment is all Trainable, we just have to..."
"There is only one great adventure and that is inwards toward the self."
- Henry Miller
May your Practice be strong and sincere today,
coach ilg