The first thing Ananda said to me after we were told to prepare to evacuate our WF Temple H(om)e was,
"Shit, we are not going to be able to teach (HP Yoga) class tonight...i have to call the sangha..."
Noble WF Warriors...
Don't send us well wishes,
Don't email us asking if we are okay...
and for Buddha's sake don't call us or leave text messages...
we are fine...we are Teachers of Yoga...and yogis are trained to Adapt to the Moment using the strength of our abhyasa.
to find Yoga through having a forest fire rip through our entire home, leaving no Trace, is superb Practice for the Bardo.
i will be imparting Live Teachings from along the Forest Fire Path over at DIRECT LINES.
for now, just know that Ananda is on her way to visit her dad and i remain here at the Temple H(om)e, ready to take our Cat Beings (Jasper and Charlie) and a few items away from the flames should Shiva decide to engulf our home...i willingly and lovingly dedicate our home and belongings to Shiva.
Noble Ones On The Path of Awakening;
we love you more than you can imagine...it is a Great Honor to Serve your Practice and i trust we have many, many years ahead of us to do the Inner Work that Needs To Be Done...
however, if the WF Temple H(om)e does burn down and all the "Stuff" goes away...
you will allWays have the WF Teachings from myself in my books and DL Archives...
in the End,
it is the Quality of our Practice during Difficulty
matters most...
om so ti,
coach ilg