Don't get gapped just because Direct Lines has gone Subscription; put your head down, dig DEEEEEP, and
BRIDGE THE GAP, baby! Photo; Coach Ilg escapes the Peleton and takes a solo flyer at a recent victory in New Mexico.
On Jun 9, 2006, at 10:26 PM, "D" wrote:
I saw your indirect lines post about anger and felt that it was a sign to tell you about
my anger that you are charging for Direct Lines (DL). I know that people are taking your ideas and you
have to make a living,and I respect that.But there is a small group of us,maybe just me,
who are doing all we can to learn from you, and you're turning your back on us.
I'm unemployed and my attempts to find a job have hit brick walls.I feel this is Gods
or fates way of telling me "Your only job right now is to work on your self." And I
have become grateful for the free time that I have,the humility that is learned from
going without.And I looked for someone to guide me,and I found you.
I got together enough money to buy your book.Did the work-outs the best I could with
what I have. Read DL everyday. Wished I had enough money to be a formal student. And
felt a change in me begining. Then you started charging for DL and doing teasers on
the free blog, which are used car salesman tactics if you ask me. I thought you where
above this.
Please don't feel that this is a ploy to get anything from you, I won't take it.
I just wondered if you knew about this small minority of people( like I said maybe
just me) who you are losing by doing this because we can't pay for DL. I'm guessing
you hear all the time from people that they can't afford to pay what you ask for
coaching. When what they really mean is won't. But I really can't. If it wasn't
for the kindness of my father, I'd be homeless.
I keep thinking about the line from Star Trek II that Spock says "The needs of the many
out weigh the needs of the few,or the one." I can understand that point of view,and
I am just one,no one really.Some would say, and have said, a loser. But that doesn't
mean I don't have needs,that I don't need help.
I don't know what else to say except thank you for reading this and for what I've learned
from you so far. I'm sad that it has to end so soon.
Most Noble Warrior of the Higher Way,
hang in there.
have Faith in yourself.
describe yourself as "unemployed" and you are.
describe yourself as a Warrior Hunting and you become just that.
it saddens me that you consider a quarter century of my time, experience, professionalism
given to the worldwide Sangha free
as "so soon."
i am only doing my best to Serve and attempt to pay the rent while doing so,
i will trust you will begin to See a Higher Perspective to protection of the WF Teachings
and my own chakral work to develop my own boundaries as i enter the next stage of my own spiritual life.
you will Rise Above,
you will Subscribe and contribute to the Endless Power of DL...
you will one day become an Online Student, for you are ripe and powerful.
do not give up...hey, give InDirect Lines a chance... likening your Coach Ilg to a "used car salesman" after
all all these years is hurtful to me, the Temple, and your own Practice. Re-read my piece on Anger.
Noble Warrior,
i will endlessly work hard on myself to Serve at a World Class Standard of Body/Mind/Spiritual Excellence
for any Seeker is really, really ready to Find a Way.
there are no shortcuts and you have arrived at a spiritual crossroads where your Teacher is asking you
to do what is required to bridge the Gap to the Next Step. dig down, Warrior, to Step Up! Don't get gapped now
and do not waste your energy on trying to make this about me.
you found a Way,
i have given you many Tools throughout the years...
use them Skillfully and you and i will soon Begin Again the WF Journey at an even Higher Rhythm...
"Do your Practice and all will be coming."
- Pattabhi Jois
i bow to you from beneath the Sacred Mountain,
coach ilg, ryt/uscf/cpt
author/Total Body Transformation