Friday, May 2, 2008

Behold...A Cold!! My 10-Steps To Enjoying The Empowerment of an 'Uncommon' Cold!

i would like to go official on the Temple Scrolls to report gleefully that i am beholding a 'cold'!!!

now, some of you may think that i made myself sick over my poor Avalanche hockey team losing to Detroit in an unmentionable 'sweep' in the Stanley Cup Playoffs...aaaargh.

perhaps, however, as you'll read in a moment, a more feasible reason exists...
my point is that i am totally stoked i have a 'cold'!!!


why so happy am i that i finally have a 'cold'?...well, the reasons for celebration are MANY!

a 'cold' is a fantastic fact, in this Temple H(om)e i do not refer to it as a 'cold' as much as i use the term, 'immune development enhancement opportunity' or an "IDEO".

now there are several great things about having an IDEO for me (note; ME...steve ilg, not you, the following is my own Direct Experience and should be considered and consumed as such...)

1) finally, after several years of not hosting any illness whatsoever*, ilg can now obviously be seen to the common masses that i am just an average blood is red and i am not a 'mutant' like OUTSIDE MAGAZINE calls me. it's just the highly extra-ordinary immune system empowerment of the WF Path of Yoga that causes the cellular body to vibrate so high that illnesses of the common man never reach the WF Yogi save for once in every great while. and, when these rare afflictions do visit us, we honor them become they leave us so quickly!

2) hosting an IDEO gives me an uncommon chance to...

THIS ENTRY IS ONE OF THOSE IMPERATIVE "DL KEEPERS"!!! join today and read how a world-class yogi/athlete absolutely devours the physical and metaphysical teachings of a 'cold'! do you even realize why it's called a 'cold'?

* save for my Cold-Triggered Exercise Induced Asthma of 2007 which doesn't count since that was due to a world-championship effort done at 12,000' in alititude.