In a sense everything is dreamlike and illusory, but even so, humorously you go on doing things. For example, if you are walking, without unnecessary solemnity or self-consciousness, lightheartedly walk toward the open space of truth. When you sit, be the stronghold of truth. As you eat, feed your negativities and illusions into the belly of emptiness, dissolving them into all-pervading space. And when you go to the toilet, consider all your obscurations and blockages are being cleansed and washed away.
Yesterday morning, while running through sun-drenched swirls of mountain breezes and dewy infant aspen leaves,
Vishnu whispered into my right ear;
Wholistic Fitness is the cure for the common compulsive.
"Doing Yoga..or Doing Harm?"
I know of a well-known yoga "teacher" who was so compulsive that she "did yoga" for 7 hours per day for like 20 years until she tried to go for a hike one day and her hips were screaming in pain. she had unwittingly worn off all the cartilage from her hips and now her "practice of balanced union" - which is what a true yoga sadhana should be - is done upon two fake hip joints.
what has happened to our Common Intuitive Sense of Union (yoga), of Wholeness?
just goes to show you that the common yogi is as addictive as a compulsive/obsessive as is the common runner who can't touch her toes or the bodybuilder who can't run around the block, or the cyclist whose bone mass has all the strength of balsam wood.
a quarter century ago, i channeled the "yoga of wholeness" known as Wholistic Fitness to combat Westerners addiction toward egoic subservience. my humble, powerful Path of WF honors and considers all sports, all aspects of our physiologic potentiality, all moments of our 'doing day' as our perfect yogic workshop to be developed into at least regional - if not national - class fitness before age 75.
Love is Freedom
i have taught you that true Love is Freedom...freedom requires strength and wholeness...most of us do no have the Self Discipline to be truly free. Freedom to run, to bike, to lift, to sit still, to stretch into inner expansiveness, to be compassionate, to be kind, to be loving to all Beings in All Realms...
most of us do not have the degree of Love Development to fully desire only Freedom for that which we profess to Love.

i managed this shot of a beautiful Feathered Being at my feeder yesterday. Spring comes to Kinlani and as a high, wet oasis springing from the arid-zone (AriZona), during this time of year we get all sorts of gorgeous Feathered and Four-Legged Visitors...in the last week alone Ananda and i have spotted within the vicinity of our neighborhood; Turkey Vultures, Elk, Deer, Marmot, Lazuli Bunting (pictured above), Scarlet Tanager, Western Tanager, Rose Breasted/Black Headed Hybrid Grosbeaks, Sharp Skinned Hawk, Acorn Woodpecker, Bullocks Oriole, Ruby Throated Hummingbird, Broad-Tailed Hummingbird, Black-Capped Nuthatches, Pygmy Nuthatches, and the Common Grackles have turned Two Tree Manor into Grackle Central.
if you wish to reach toward the Light,
stop reaching
and instead
Love the World Around You
and most of all;
Within You.
Mine not that which you have begun to Master;
the very moment you attain proficiency in some physiologic, fitness, or occupational endeavor;
do this:
Let It Go
Refocus your Rifle of Attention toward that in which you are Weak
where your Light is most dim;
workout there
work within there...
become devoted toward Wholeness
not Specificity
for the latter invites only Imbalance
and the former?
Enlightenment...or at least; Awakening.
and if feeble ilg can bring one measure of Awakening
to your life
before i quit Teaching,
swung his
Dharma Sword
well enough
for just ONE BEING
who has allowed his or her Light
to come from their innate Wholeness
May All Beings
in All Realms
be happy
and know the causations
of happiness.
Om So Ti,
your loving coach