"He possesses the special kind of talent you only see come along once a decennium. If you're lucky." - Eric van Domburg Scipio of Heaven Magazine

Our Tribal Musician Dave Tate, who has been rockin' the music world with his exquisite, angelic vocals and songwriting borne from his Southern Utah h(om)e, has released
The Final Hour
and please, please, please do your Atman some go(o)d and order this CD from our beautiful Warrior Dave...after reviewing THE FINAL HOUR, i wrote him saying that if my own "Final Hour" could be lived while listening to his album as i began my Bardo Entry Meditation, i would likely just bypass the Bardo entirely and emerge directly in Dewachen! here is Dave's response:
"Thanks coach!
Glad you like the cd! What wonderful praise, the red rocks here have a
language of their own. I am blessed to have a chance to stay in monastery
like the environment up on the kolob plateau for the next 3 months before we
relocate. There is not a more beautiful place in Zion. Any plans to make
it up this way this summer? I hope it does hold that message of transition
and transformation...in the moments I am most in touch I feel that is a
message I am destined to share. HP yoga has helped me get inside myself to
a the place where that is clear. So thank you! Hell,we could do more than
just play the cd... I'll play it at the passing of the Ilg if that is your
bidding!- although personally I hope that day is far away.
thanks for your help coach!
much love,

Dear Coach,
Doing some market research for a new product my company is going to launch - do you recognize that dude?
From: Michael Cerame
Small Bone Innovations
Marketing Manager - Lower Limb
Most Cherished ceRama!
year was about 1998.
snowshoe photo shoot above Santa Fe, New Mexico.
photographer; Mark Romanelli who later shot me for my second OUTSIDE Magazine Cover.
nice Awareness!
head bowed,
el coache
Good Morning Steve,
After attending your "Energetics of Enlightenment" Seminar, I rooted about last night and retrieved my Light on Pranayama by BKS Iynegar....After practicing with you these past couple of years
The contents of the book no longer seemed so out of reach to me. That was quite a revelation...and at the same time I had the revelation that I am prepared to study and practice in a sincere way. I need some guidance and perhaps you might be willing to work with me in a capacity that seems appropriate.
Anyhow, I TAF that a private session with you would be a really positive thing at this juncture – if you have the time and patience for this feeble yogini over on the other side of town.
Abundant blessings to you, Dewa and Joy this beautiful and vibrant spring morning.
Love les
Coach Ilg,
Thank you for your reply and consideration. I received your Blessed Mala Beads; they are fabulous and keep me grounded and centered.
Having read a considerable amount of your DL and Sangha Lounge, it is also evident that you have a wonderful engaged following. Your writings have helped me immensely over the years and I know that they/you will continue to do so well into the future.
I bow to you honorable coach.
A most lowly humble mountain troll, AB
Billings, MT
Hello Beloved Coach!
Steve (Dr. Wise) and I speak of you often and fondly. It is great to be able to talk about EMR and Toilet Yoga with someone in the know.:)
I am reading "Think On These Things" again and it resonates more strongly than ever.
I am running, jumping , sprinting, tumbling, bear crawling , climbing trees, rocks , fences in Central Park with my classes these days... I remember a time when I truly wondered if I would be able to do those things again.
With a little help form Dr. Wise and following my EMR every day I have slowly but surely started to reset my frame. My core has never been leaner or stronger. All my movements come and go from there.
I have become a solid 10 lbs lighter... You had suggested that I would need to become "lighter" and I have.
152-154 lbs of Stillness at 5' 8"..
I must say my ego still complains about the loss of some mass.
I eliminate on a very regular ( 3X per day ) basis and most of the elimination is "floating" which you had indicated is a good thing....Why is it a good thing?
I am sad to say that my passion for kayaking is dimming but my passion for fitness in outdoor settings and in a gym that facilitates natural movements, climbing, etc. is increasing.
I am trying to find my next path and it is not fully clear yet.
Fitness Vacations/Camps ...hmmmmm
Much love to you
Student Stillness