ya just gotta LOVE a go(o)d spring in Flag, eh?
i took these during a cross ride up Elden yesterday:

...and here y'all were a mere 7 days EARLIER sweatin' in the heat of Elden!...
Kid's Race...


Keep CRANKING The Chi!
i miss racing with you all, yet my new baby is keeping me busier and happier than when i was fully sponsored! i just need you all to keep crankin' the RRR Vibe Out There! take pictures and captions of your race or training or whatever and send them to me!
the Board appreciates all of your kind words about our appearance last weekend...and, so inspired were WE by your embrace of our presence at the Start/Finish Line that we came up with a REALLY COOL idea that we are working on (along with a ton of other stuff!)...so stay tuned to this RRR Blog and contribute!!!
head bowed,
coach steve ilg
RRR Chairperson