"I believe it was Hemingway who said, 'There are only three sports: Stanley Cup Playoff hockey, Tour de France cycling, and mountaineering; all the rest are merely games.'"
- from WF Master Student "Abu" one of the many Hockey Maniacs now gathered in the WF SanghaLounge in the CURRENT EVENTS cave...stop by if you dare, cuz, we are well...Hockey Fans! Hockey is the only major sport whereupon mastery of one art (skating) is assumed while the actual game is superimposed over the the art...i mean, basketball players are athletic, yet, put some skates on their feet on ice, and THEN make them do their thing...ha! same thing with all the other major sports. point is; there ain't no sport like Hockey*! come on in, and join the fun...oh, and i do allow YouTube references in the SanghaLounge, in fact, you should see the conversation going on in the CARDIOVASCULAR CAVE right now; stunning footage of pull-up mastery courtesy of Hakado Ru!

There are hundreds and hundreds of incredible conversations going on each day in the worldwide 'chill out' lounge of WF Warriors; the WF SanghaLounge! Make it a nightly stop with your Calli Night...or beer! We welcome all types of Warriors into the Lounge! the talk is easy, non-judgmental, and a ton of fun...not to mention it's where i've been archiving all the Top Secrets of the different Fitness Disciplines and Practice Principles for the generations of WF Warriors to come!
Stop by today, the SanghaLounge is open 24/7, 7 Days per week and is complimentary to ALL DL SUBSCRIBERS!...the easiest way is enjoy the Hang Out is to sign in, then click the "VIEW POSTS SINCE LAST VISIT" and that will bring you right into the flow of the most current conversations.
here is some input from around the world appearing recently about the importance of DL and the SanghaLounge to people's Practice:
"Most Noble Coach,
Gracias, gracias, mucho gracias! Your efforts are keeping the lifeline
over here in Shanghai strong.
That said my Sahaj Marg meditation group here are doing some powerful
energetic work for this land and its people and so it still feels right
to Be Here Now amidst the choking smog and intense vibrations.
I'll be in India for the summer and then back in the fall (unless they
let me into Tibet after the Olympics) to Turtle Island to do some Nordic
Skiing with dad. 73 and the old man has the classic form that blows the
doors off me.
Much love to you and your family,
may your words and works continue to ring through the ages,
Week 4 of the Frugal Realm Routine - which also means that I have experienced a wonderful journey through: Green Tara; Cosmic Yang; my feeble attempts at daily meditation (though I must tell you, I often times catch myself in one active meditation or another throughout each day -- this I attribute to the work we did together 20 years ago), and my best attempts at Yoga (still not HP yoga yet -- but do not worry it will come*. Today I am in a place beyond where I was 20 years ago. There is a deeper effort & consequently a deeper strength present in all aspects of my practice & life which with each day grow more into one. Today I am more open, and teachable which not only allows me to more fully appreciate WF, but also allows me more time focused meaningfully and less time distracted by those things which appear to be desirable but in the end hold little or no relevance to our improvement..... Steve all I can say is Thank You! Oh, and DL? - It places me correctly many days!
* Hockey was my first competitive sport. i was 7 years old and the year was 1969. i was so small, my coach literally had to lift me into and out from the rink during line shifts! i may have been small, yet i was fierce and fast and won the Most Improved Player Trophy my first year and eventually my team got 2nd place in the Midwest Regional Championships when i was 9 before moving to Colorado.