Falling snow does this to me...
it opens my HeartSpace of Avalokiteshvara...
May this inspire your Practice ever Higher and Deeper today...
* i have, through this incarnation been introduced to an eon-old and ever growing personal pantheon of Formfull and Formless Teachers...and that's a Great Blessing if you are as feeble of a yogi as i!
you know, that's probably the "best" part of a lifelong Meditation Practice; you get to know your True Family and hang out with the Highest, Most Loving Teachers and Beings in your own (inner) UniVerse. you get to a point in your sadhana where you don't need any more 'spiritual books' or 'new age' magazines or trinkets. you don't need any more yoga classes or dvd's...all you need is your Puja Space; a quiet, clean little personal 'Practice Cave' in which you Begin Again, and Again, and Endlessly Again that seemingly most difficult workout of all Human Beings; sitting still by ourself in Meditation.
my only Prayer through which i continue to forward the Path of Wholistic Fitness is that each Human Being awakens to their intoxicatingly fun and astonishing Inner Divine UniVerse through Meditation inspired from Multi-Disciplined Sweat and Stillness. Vairagya - or Dispassion - is perhaps the most powerful Accelerator of Self-Realization. if i were a more skilled Teacher, i could Transmit precisely why someone like myself; "America's Original Multi-Extreme Athlete" could be so infatuated with the real "extreme sport" of lifelong Meditation.
Oh well, unless by some Deity-Applied Miracle i actually do attain Enlightenment in this lifetime, i promise i'll do better job of being a Teacher next lifetime. do not worry; you won't not recognize me; i'll be even more stronger, more fitter, and more skilled in more sports and Outer Worldly things and be sooooo Radiant that All Beings In All Realms will be Awakened to what i have to share. Until then, obviously, given my amount of incalculable feebleness, i've got A LOT more Inner Work to do!
the One Thing i will NOT provide for you next lifetime is a more beautiful, powerful child to keep you all sincerely focused on the Upward, Inward Way...that cannot be done. Thus, my Highest Teaching to you all is the beauty and wisdom of my Daughter; Dewachen (see image of Her below with Ananda)
DO NOT - WHATEVER YOU DO - MISS THIS TEACHING on the CRITICAL NiYama of VAIRAGYA explained to you in that most rare and uniquely Coach Ilg Way of artfully and fun-fully bridging esoteric and often misunderstand Eastern Spiritual Athletic Terms and Concepts into the most loving, friendly, and APPLICABLE Way so we can use them in our own Practice TODAY!
oh, and you CAN'T miss the snow shots from this morning and...the adorable image of Dewachen and Ananda near the Buddha!
C'mon on in to your Tribal Hangout; SUBSCRIBE to DIRECT LINES: the most important and High Training Tool for your own spiritual journey!