"We've all been mothers countless lifetimes."
- Buddha
From the "Can Do Clan" of Dewa who turns 8-Months Old today, and my Beloved Joy - AMAZING new 'amma' of Dewa, and myself we wish to send Laughter, Love, Light, and invincible Shiva-like strength and endurance and patience to ALL Mothers on ALL Realms!
like i've always said, "There's a whole lot of OM in 'MOM'!"
oh, and check out WF Warrior BJ's Clan below who timed the Re-Entry of their beautiful new Isabel to the Mothers Day "T"!
Rock On, Moms!
head bowed in awe of all ammas everywhere,
coach ilg

coach steve,
Thank you again for the Coach's Blessed WF Training Mala - cathy and i had them with us throughout beautiful Isabel's birth. It was an amazing experience, and as you said in one of your earlier emails, she was truly "stoked on re-entry". We hope the three of you are doing well - Dewa looks so happy! I've attached a couple photos of our 'jewel in the lotus'. I'm glad to see that you are involved with Red Rock Racing. I'm still rocking the old team kit on every ride I can!
BJ, Cathy, and Isabel Araceli
photo of the Can Do Clan by: