i know, i know...
i'm like one of the Nation's leading Directors of SUNRIDER Herbs - "the official regenerative nutritional program of WF since 1983" -
and only NOW have i finally managed to get my own Replicator SR Website up! enjoy! let me know what you think!
click right here and bookmark it, cuz i'll be enhancing it regularly with YOUR profiles and input and new Product info:
Coach's "Secret Herbs" Website!
hey, all you SUNRIDER's out there still not getting any money from Dr. Chen because you find it hard to share these wonderful fat-demolishing, chi-building herbs? get your own SR Replicator Website...just download the application under the "My Website" click after you log into your SUNRIDER account.
and for those of you poor, poor souls who are NOT on the "Secret Herbs"?
get to my Website, check it out, and JOIN! the instructions for joining are right on the front page of my site and you will be signed up automatically under me for COMPLIMENTARY GUIDANCE to your SUNRIDER JOURNEY! i will personally guide you along my "3-Phase Approach To Using The SUNRIDER Herbs." with Mother Earth and Father Sky no longer able to keep pace with Kali Yuga's ongoing abuse of them, the world's food supply is getting downright gnarly...so get into these utterly pure and precious and potent Herbs that have helped me overcome tremendous spinal injury into unmatched World-Level athletics...
and for you yogis?
there is nothing, i promise you, more idyllic for energetic foundation building and shatkarma fitness than relying on SUNRIDER Herbs as your core source of physical nutrition; eating these herbs will advance your motivation to meditate and Practice Sadhana like never before!
so, why does ilg take sooo long to produce certain things like my own SR Website?
well, i've got many things 'on my plate' these days...
oh no, not so much having a 8-month old at age 45...(well, 46 this week!)
no, no, no...it's not running half-a-dozen international Dharma-based businesses, 4 blogs, media projects, private and public yoga teaching,...
no...it ain't even the fact that i have to now cheer for my lifetime old nemesis of the Colorado Avalanche, the DETROIT RED WINGS to win the Stanley Cup that are sapping my time...
and it sure as Heaven ain't my Sadhana...i always create time - no matter what - for my Practices - both inner and outer...i am of no Go(o)d to ANY of my students or to my family if i slack on my own Sadhana!
it's the hummingbirds...