This DL is in honor of all those Atman's who entered the Bardo under the courageous hearts of the men and women Serving Noble Duty...
click on photos to enlarge...
"For fast-acting relief, try slowing down."
- Lily Tomlin
the Zuni...known as A;shwii in their native tongue, is a long-honored Tribe in my life. these wonderful artisans still live within their eon-old h(om)eland of western New Mexico. if you ever get a chance to visit their Pueblo; do so. i once got a Road Racing podium on a 3-Day Stage Race that included stages that raced among their powerful mesa's and spirit-sizzling vistas. oh, how ilg loves these ever-smiling folk with such beautiful countenance and art...

yesterday, the A;shwii came to our backyard, beneath Doko Oosliid for a festival celebrating their Way of Being...so, into the "High Performance Deh Sleigh" (see photo #1) i tossed Deh (nickname for Dewa), drug Ananda out of her sleep-deprived stupor and jogged everybody up the street, out across the sun-whipped meadow, and through the ravine of the Rio de Flag. There, at the Museum of Northern Arizona, were the Zuni's...Great Beings Who Still Know And Worship Our True Mother (earth) and our true Father (sky)...
come along, why don't you?...
DON'T MISS THESE TEACHINGS FROM A 81-year old ZUNI WOMAN ELDER and more great chi-filled pics!!!