Tuesday, May 27, 2008

HAPPY BIRTHDAY COACH!!!...or not? How A Mountain Yogi treats 'birthdays'

i wish to thank all of you crazy wisdom devotee's for sending me Birthday Wishes on my 46th Chronological Birthday during this incarnation of the Atman currently being known as 'ilg'. as a Dharma Protector and Server however, the only thing which matters to ilg is to impart Dharma regarding the notion of 'birthdays'. photo by http://www.kdiphotography.com

portions of this DL reprinted from my DL on the Spiritual Aspects of a Chronological Birthday, 2006

Even in the greatest yogi, sorrow and joy still arise just as before. The difference between an ordinary person and the yogi is how they view their emotions and react to them.

An ordinary person will instinctively accept or reject them, and so arouse the attachment or aversion that will result in the accumulation of negative karma.

A yogi, however, perceives everything that rises in its natural, pristine state, without allowing grasping to enter his perception.
- Sogyal Rinpoche

WF BIRTHDAY DHARMA; "Like passing gas in a breeze."


Chronologic birthdays are considered kleshas (afflictions) in WF Master Studies. Their tendency to add interruption and drama to the flow of life is not conducive to spiritual ascesion.

according to yogis, the 'birth' occurs when the Atman enters the foetus...when this happens, the M(om) will feel...

DO NOT MISS THIS TEACHING WHAT "BIRTHDAYS" really mean to yogis and awakened warriors!

on today's DL!!!

*TITLE FOOTNOTE: One of my Bardo Realm Teachers, Mahanidrarishi, used this phrase which i thought was fantastic! Like all great spiritual Masters, Maha knows the utter insignificance of a human's chronological birthday, for it is only the spiritual birthdays that truly 'matter' in the long term.

** you can only imagine the HeartSmile on Ananda and i when Dewachen 'chose' to make Her re-entry on the auspicious date of; 9/11/07! my Teachers? They just laughed and laughed...