all action photos by myself

i was on active coaching duties this weekend at a Mountain Biking Association of Arizona race right here in my backyard of was such fun taking a break from my usual "Online Coaching Duties" and be out on the Race Course and at our Red Rock Racing Team tent giving pre-race pep talks to our girls and boys, ladies and gents, and then heading out onto the brutal Race Course to do what i do best; bring the CHI to the fatiguing racers and cheer them onward and upward toward the podium! Even Ananda and Dewa, my other members of my "Can Do Clan" showed up to cheer on the racers. Note the HP YOGA logo gracing our Team's race banner!

...i guess being a Rookie Dad endeared me more than ever to the Start of the Kids Race...

...and THEY'RE OFF!!!...

...and, well, they're down...hate it when that happens!

in the Men's Semi-Pro/Expert Division, i was utterly relieved not to be racing on this day! having no where NEAR the volume of training required to compete safely at this Level, i made sure i rode out on the Course to some of the pivotal "emotional meltdown" and tactically important spots to cheer on our racers. Above, one of my training partners, Chris Hull hits the hole shot of the first techy singletrack after a kilometer mass starting sprint across a flat MTB racing, it's ALL ABOUT getting the "hole shot" which means being one of the first racers to enter the narrow, often technically difficult and dangerous sections. Here, "Hully" hits the "hole shot" and flies over menacing boulders and roots as if on a flying carpet...
DO NOT MISS the other great pics and MTB coaching teaching on today's DIRECT LINES Subscription Format!
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