"Just Listen."
- The WF Bible by coach ilg - above; note the complete absence of Ignorance Pods (aka; iPods). Who can concentrate on one's Mantra, on one's Highest Self Within when addicted to external enterTainment instead of innerAttainment?
We should know at this point in our Practice, i mean, if you are still traveling with me in whatever degree up this Steep and Direct Path of WF, that the warrior who is affected by all matters in our present day 'vinyasa' or 'flow of life' - regardless if the matters be big or small to our perception - is moved by them eventually becomes miserable, disappointed, afflicted, and hypocritical.
JOIN DL TODAY to receive this plus over 2,000+ other chi-filled Teachings of body, mind, and spirit from "The World's Fittest Human," according to UltraCycling Magazine...come and reMemeber with your Warrior Tribe; we are waiting for you and have been since 1982