Taking Leave...Grandfather Sun opens the final day of my dual residence in both Flagstaff and North Hollywood, CA...

...even though my love for High Mountains is the greatest of my life, Taking Leave from any place that has afforded both great challenge and kundalini-inciting times produces intimate sentiments of the heart. though the yogi is trained to treat all outer circumstance with equanimity and non-attachment (vairagya), the actual act of Taking Leave is never easy.
Most Precious and Cherished Warriors of the Inner and Outer Workouts,
i had Brahman, Vishnu, and Shiva working triple time as i soloed the two-day workout of moving our belongings out of our NoHo apartment, got a trailer for Sukhavarti, and after a very moving "Taking Leave" Meditation, packed up and headed h(om)e to the Sacred Peak. with Bala (our Honda Element) fully loaded and towing Sukhavarti, it was an Herculean engine-effort by Bala to make it up Cajone Pass out of the LA Valley. admittedly, i was anxious about the huge grind up from Kingman, Arizona to our perch at 7,200'. i kept visualizing a smooth sweep up the Mogollon Rim without engine trouble or trailer snafu. as mandatory; i fasted these these two days and was nourished only by Sunrider Herbs, a PowerBar, and most importantly continual reliance upon my Mantra.
as a result, by the time i finished the 8-hour drive to Flag, my eyes were wet with sacred tears. in fact, right after i gassed up (with full apologies to Father Sky of course) in Kingman, it was as though the Holy Trinity filled Bala Girl...up until then, she was straining mightily to get up any incline and low and behold, as the steepest, longest climb of the trip began, the tachometer suddenly, unexplain-ably lowered as the engine output increased and Bala literally flew up the steep, long grade toward 7,000'. we were passing Porsches, or so it felt. the gas usage went DOWN as we flew toward flag like an Eagle with sight set. as the evening sun ushered my return home, Hawk Brother flew a beautiful wing-tip roll right at the m(om)ent Doko Oosliid came into view. to list the inner and outer miracles that occurred, to list the siddhis that came to me to pull off this trip were meant only for me. what i wish to express to you, Oh Faithful Warriors, is that this humble Path of ours...so alone and seemingly aloof from the grasp of the mainstream is so utterly precious and powerful. i love this Path so much; to transform the mundane chore of moving into a sacred pilgrimage of inner divinity and to have repeated manifestations of the Shakti arise, and arise more exquisitely in sequence, is truly Heaven On Earth.
words do not exist to describe what it felt to be reunited with my Beloved Ananda and Dewachen...i felt only that i had capably and honorably served both my Go(o)d and my family and to a man, there is nothing Higher nor more meaningful.
so, now,
after "enlightenment"...the laundry list of things-to-be-done;
i'll start with processing the retail orders that you may have placed, then facilitate my Online Students; my most cherished of all my warriors...then i'll address Sunrider and MAP Warriors...
last night i taught my HP Yoga class; the difference in altitude evident during a long sequence of standing postures, i am substituting for Ananda and i've got a bodywork appointment in the afternoon.
so thank you for your Practice of Patience within my humble, powerful Temple. WF ain't no computerized 'online training' schtick...this Path is just me; with all my Love and all my very human feebleness...thank you for choosing to recognize the Genuine Path of Transformation fueled only from Love, by Love, and
into Love
for your Highest Self Cultivation.
stay tuned as allWays; a ton of Dharma Arrows upcoming for your spiritual quiver...

love from the Peak,
eagle ilg
1 - the view of North Hollywood from our apartment from which we just let go. by ilg.
2 - the view from Bismark Lake of Doko Oosliid, in my 'backyard' of the Kachina Wilderness. by ilg.
3 - 'eagle pose' by www.waynewilliamsstudio.com