Most Cherished WF Sangha,
i'm off to teach PROP here in Flag,
then into Bala and down the Sacred Mountain, across the Mohave, and
into the Pueblo Grande of LA for a week of Teaching and private training
as well as moving us out of our North Hollywood apartment finally. it's gonna
be tuff to leave Dewa and Ananda and oh, how hard it is to leave the Southwest
when she is in full spring blooming process!
this should be very interesting...stay tuned...i'll be updating my DL Warriors as
i go...
head bowed and if i get killed by some trucker on the interstate?
108 rounds of the Tribal Mantra x 3 per day for 42 days. thank you...
most importantly however;
keep my family cared for and my Temple radiant...
love along the Way...off to Serve the Dharma,
your loving coach
photo of coach in Bharadavasana variation by Kristen Dacey Iwai