"Riding safely in a group all boils down to bike skills. 99% of the riders in a peleton are safe and capable. However, sooner or later you will find yourself in a peleton alongside a few riders with sketchy skills. Here is how to survive (and thrive) in a whirring crowd of roaring wheels...." Photo: after ANY group ride or race, you'll be sooo happy! Win or lose, fit or fat; you'll have conquered inner dragons and be all the stronger for it! photo by Ananda, post IRON HORSE Downtown Crit , 2007 in Durango, Colorado.
How To Survive Group Road Riding
By Coach Steve Ilg, ryt/cpt/uscf
Well, it's that time of year again. Even for us MultiSport Athletes, time has arrived to jump into our local Saturday or Sunday Morning Club Training Rides and put the hammer down...err, at least attempt to pick up the hammer!
Riding in a big group of road cyclists is exhilarating. Turn on VERSUS any Sunday afternoon, and you can see all the big European pro races...the pros ride in pacelines that are as organized and rhythmic as a Swiss clock. Each rider follows specific rules of the peleton (aka; the pack...the largest group of riders in a group ride or race). However, if you show up at your local club ride, or century (cycling term for a "100-mile" ride) or a charity ride, things will not be so clean and neatly folded. Flying along at 20+ mph, elbow to elbow, perched atop skinny tires and hovering above very, very hard surfaces intimidates even extreme athletes. So, first, forgive yourself for not getting out there before now. Then, secondly, read this article. Finally, and MOST IMPORTANTLY: GET OUT THERE AND RIDE!!! It's soooo utterly exciting to be a part of a flying parade of sweat and spirit!
This article is provided courtesy of steve ilg for DL Subscribers. A Pay-Per-PDF version of this article is available for $3 in the WholisticFitness.com Pro Shop. Steve has been the Training and Fitness Editor of several magazines over the course of three decades and is a New Mexico State Cycling Champion, record holder of the Furnace Creek 508, and a Winner of the Tour de Gila.