Coach Steve Mackel, one of my most devoted Online Shishya's of all time, shown here far left, with his ChiRunning Warriors after my HP Yoga Class at Mark Blanchards Power Yoga Studio, Studio City, CA.
Namaste Noble Ones...
well, i had a particularly interesting LA Story for you today which happened to me last night,
when i read this on my Beloved Shishya Mackel's blog:
Coach (NWSM) Mackel's Blog on Coach's Class
it was that beautiful Teaching from M.C. Hammer ringing in my ears;
"You Can't Touch This..."
and you know what?
i can't even come close to the beauty, the devotion, and the engaged Practice of Student Mackel...
so, enjoy and 10,000 Dharma Blessings be graced upon each of those wonderful warriors who showed up
to take my class!
gotta go, my z1000 is outta da shop and between my legs and that?
That, my friends, is a very, very go(o)d thing to have between one's legs...
i've got some footpegs to scrape against some ocean-kissed canyons (after, of course, having ridden them
on my bicycle!...sport motorcycling is all-Ways Higher, after you've put in the sweat-based spirit suffering up them!)...
giving, giving,
loving, loving,
dedication, dedication...
el coache