the "Veit Springs" headwall at mile 4 on the climb up to the Ski Basin; this section requires the yogi to bring his or her "A Game" at this section where the road gradient goes steep and undisciplined egos weep
"Know the mind and see its essence,
and you may speak at will
and go wherever your feet take you -
nothing is not the Path."
- Liao-an

The Devoted DL Reader will recall that last year, i raced my first race weekend here in Flagstaff since relocating from Los Angeles. One year later, and i once again toed the Start Line of the Two Day Event. Day One is the SnowBowl Hill Climb; a 6.5 mile hammerfest up 2,000 vertical feet ending at dizzying altitude of 9,500'.
Day Two is the notorious "Wupatki Road Race" at the soaringly beautiful Wupatki/Sunset Crater National Monument. This 'Yoga Studio' for studying thyself features a 45 mile course with 4,800' of climbing; all of it in the final 22 miles!
This is the story of my "Yoga Practice" within these beautiful races this weekend.
It is a true Blessing to sweat and apply thy spirit within such natural beauty and among such talented Two-Wheeled Warriors...
may the sweat i spilled out on the roads this weekend
and the Inner Spirit i gained from doing so
be of Benefit to YOUR Practice this week...
thank you for reading DL...turn a friend on to it! we offer DL Gift Certificates!
in sweat and spirit from the "Coach Who Still Does,"
coach ilg

"The very body that we have, that's sitting here right now...
with its aches and its pleasures...
is exactly what we need to be fully human,
full awake,
fully alive."
- Pema Chodron
in the moments before a race, Pratyhara (Sense Withdrawl) is crucial. The Warrior must look deep within during these precious moments. Do not talk to friends...focus on your Warm Up. Limit Distraction, Increase Attraction to your Visualization. Break a go(o)d sweat and be on time for your Start. You will be nervous because you are going to suffer. In the best case of preparation; the WF Warrior Athlete transforms suffering into pure, beautiful effort.
during the Pre-Start Gun Bardo; engaged Pratyhara on the trainer; i draw my senses inward, run my Race Visualizations and temper my body, mind, and spirit into a unified Self Guiding Missile...
{DO NOT MISS COACH's intensely inspiring and insight-loaded Two Part diary of his Race Weekend at this two grueling events ...great photos with chi-packed quotes...find out how Coach did as he prepares his body, mind, and spirit for the State Championships next month! Subscribe to DL and come ride, climb, ski, and go for Enlightenment Through Sweat and Spirit with Coach!...subscriptions are nominal and serve to protect the WF Teachings. available on the Tribal Catalog today!}