{coach ilg during one of his many unique "Rock Vinyasa" moves; Engaged Balasana...this age-old Early Morning Routine is about read to be released to Active Online WF Students...}
The 'breaking down' of our hard, brittle feet is Priority Numero Uno for any Warrior of the Higher Way. Huge energy Vents lie within the subtle anatomy of our feet. That is precisely why i have designed and used so many unique methods to exploring and cultivating "soft feet".
Rare are the feet that have been more abused than mine. 100+ miles per week while running, championship cycling, world class rock climbing, ski jumping, winter mountaineering...my feet have been hammered world class hard for nearly 3 decades...i can help you soften your feet and the softer foot is the more powerful foot and the more powerful the feet? the more powerful the organs (both gross and subtle).
You may hear a yoga teacher instruct you to, ‘work the 4-corners of your feet into the ground.’ However, our feet do not have four “corners”...they have 3 pivot(al) points.
These 3 pivot(al) points are easily known and used by those of us that run, climb, ski jump, pedal bikes, and
Using my
“3-point foot”principle will result in a more wholistic and ‘fleet’
Get over to DIRECT LINES; Subscription Format and read my exclusive "3-Point Foot Principle"...this is one of those great DL's that just flips the accepted notion of something with the wisdom that can only be gained by world-class MultiDisciplined Yogic Insight...i have made a graph for you and everything...i CARE about your FOOT FITNESS!
it'll make your asana practice grow by leaps and bounds as well as your cardio, strength training, seated meditation comfort, as well as a healthier day to day Energetic Connection.
See you over at the Tribal Newspaper Rock of Wholistic Fitness; DIRECT LINES!
om so ti,
coach ilg