"Let us be moral.
Let us contemplate existence."
- Charles Dickens

"You do not wash the Dish with your non-dominant hand for the same reason you do not brush your
teeth with your non-dominant hand; you are lazy. you think to yourself, "Oh why waste time doing such non-sense as using my non-dominant hand..i am far too busy and important of a person to do such silly things."
So, you sit down to put on your shoes and lose hip flexibility throughout the years
because you are lazy.
You do not cardio commute so you grow fat and tepid in spiritual tenacity
because you are lazy.
You do not eat the Secret Herbs and become physiologically lethargic at the cell level without realizing it
because you are lazy.
You do not do your Meditation and Breathing Practices...
a spiritual kick in the ass that we ALL need!
Photo #1; Grand Canyon up the street from the WF Temple H(om)e during a Monsoon moment. photo by Marcia Fowler
Photo #1 B; The Sacred Peak, yesterday. Photo by Coach.
Photo #2; coach practicing Uddiyana Bandha during a Pranayama session. Photo by Ananda