Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Of Chi and Being; 5 SR Arrows For Self Healing

{Note; if you are new to the Wholistic Fitness Tradition. the "SUNRIDER Whole Food Herbs" have been the "Official Nutritional Program of Wholistic Fitness since 1983." Coach Ilg attributes much of his personal and professional success at world class levels of Self Healing and multisport performances to the potency of the SUNRIDER Herbs.}


Dear El Coache;
The SUNRIDER herbs are beginning to work at yet another, more deeper, Level. Seven years ago i strained/pulled/pushed while doing a solo yoga practice and injured intercostal muscles. I have not had any such occurrence since then in my yoga practices.

This type of 'Prevent Offense' within your body will continue to increase in scope as you continue to saturate your cells with the chi from the SUNRIDER Herbs. Phase Two of my 3-Phase approach to using the SUNRIDER Herbs, really targets what is known as "Pranic Constitution"...a phrase that relates to the Life Force Composition within an individual's etheral fields. To keep the Pranic Shift happening, a steadfast diet of Phase 2 SUNRIDER Herbs is required along with a Wholistic Fitness® type of approach to exercise and lifestyle. Specifically, Dr. Chen's latest addition to our 'Herbal Stash', a product known as, "MetaBooster®" is, in my opinion, a most miraculous and potent source of Nutrition that direct feeds our "all-permeating Life Force Current" known in traditional Yoga as, "Vyana-vayu." Those intermediate and beyond Yogis who are able to Sense and Manage their inner Energy Currents (vayus) can rapidly verify my definitation of MetaBooster; for those of us to depend upon Daily Pranayama (Breath Science & Exercises) to empower our Higher Energy Fields, we can immediately and joyfully tell the difference when we start eating the MetaBooster® herbal formula. It is utterly fantastic for developing an inner spaciousness and resiliency.

To my first question----anything i can utilize from my SR arsenal for the popliteus {Back of Knee} recovery?

Of course!
I will offer you Five SR Arrows to put into your Quiver! Be sure to keep them in stock!

First: the incredible SUNBREEZE BALM; it brings the chi (warm or cold) to where it is most needed and in the appropriate manner. magic stuff. i used it daily for nearly 10 years; it was the only way i could get through a day. it speeds the CHI to where Healing is needed most.

Second: JOI/ESE; Dr. Chen says that the latter calms the neural branches, the former rushes in a world class concoction of herbs that nourish micro traumas to joint beds and CT

Third: Wu Chia Pi...the "poor mans" JOI/ESE. nourishes all neural/muscular junctions and physiology.

Fourth: 2 Ilg Supremes per day; super saturation of the body cells on all Five Elemental Levels works...well...WONDERS!

Fifth: Dandelion Root; this herb warms the CT and provides more blood/nutrients into the injured area.

Thank you
I look forward to continuing my WF practices in regaining my hip real estate and look forward to my next program .............
in love and trust

i bow to your Devoted Practice and Engaged Activity to do what is BEST for you which means,
doing the BEST for all humanity...

do the do,
become the Be.


coach ilg
Lead Director/SUNRIDER® Herbs