Ananda cranking some High Altitude Pran during a Pranayama workout at Schultz Lake last year. Riding your mountain bike to a place of solitude to Practice your assigned Pranayama is a duathlon that seems to be engaged only by a few yogis. Most of them can be found in our Tribe! The creative interplay of Practices to Transform your life have NEVER been more refined and accessible than right now in WF Online Training.
Recently, a former Online Student rationalized his exit from the Steep and Direct Path of WF Online Training by trying to make it about me. He said that my "philosophies" have recently taken a turn that no longer interests him.
oh reallly, now? oh...the Perpetuation of Rationalization! (see DL of 6/18 and 6/27/2006).
the ONLY "philosophy" that i have Taught since 1982 is that of Sweat and Stillness. no other. if you do have an 'issue' with the notion of regular Sweat and Stillness, then, yes, perhaps you are not ready for WF.
the fact is, for students entering the colorful Path of WF Online Training, they are now privy to a FAR more evolved set of progressive Practices - protected from the Mainstream so far - that fire the Inner Self and create quickly an impenetrable foundation toward Awakening and possible Enlightenment like no other modern Path of Self Cultivation currently available.
below i answer a question that triggered Most Noble Yogini and WF Temple Manager Ananada's spiritual interests. She was Wise Enough to ask me about. The Students that get the most Value of their Online Studies are the ones who ask the Wise Questions and JUMP on every available morsel that drops like gems from this Path.
Maha Rishi,
i would like to understand more about the below Vayu Amplification
if Appropriate.
Beginners Mind,
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