Ananda and i have returned from the great far North...
we had an absolutely EXQUISITE time...

reuniting with some of my most Cherished and Loved Students, including (L-R) "Fit Kit" Johaneson, a still God-intoxicated me from Teaching, Yolanda, and Chris...just check out how beaming these wonderful Canadian Students are! it is their Aura's alone that speak the Beacon Warrior Light of the Wholistic Fitness® Path! Aren't they just GORGEOUS?! We had a GREAT time at our HP Yoga Master Class, yet that was only the beginning...

i was gathering new sports and deep insights nearly every breath of the Way as our trip took us over to Vancouver Island whereupon many miracles jumped and danced within my Awareness of this astonishingly beautiful land...and sea!

i'll give you a moment to hop over to the Tribal Catalog and become a Subscriber to DIRECT LINES, for it is in that forum that i am going to release some incredible pictures and tap you into our amazing trip...i will also offer a sure-fire "Airport Pranayama" Routine that i have used for years to keep the germs and viruses of international air travel - or any air travel for that matter - well away from your internal environment. So, please, become a Subscriber to DIRECT LINES today...

you will miss some "deerly" important inspiration and Practice techniques if you just chew the flowers of mainstream fitness
Don't get gapped; Tap into the Direct Lines; Daily Meditations From Coach Ilg...FRESH SERVINGS OF WORLD CLASS CHI each DAY!
May your Practice be strong and sincere,
coach ilg