WF Teacher Joy "Ananda" Kilpatrick watches on as fellow WF Teacher Joseph "Haku" Sheader practices some Ai Imawa in Arches National Park for our upcoming DVD; Ai Imawa, The Postures and Practice of Inner Harmony. The emails are streaming in from our Noble Warriors based on today's DL trumpeting the call to help protect what remains of our amazing National Park System!
Thank you for this mornings DL. As a previous NPS ranger (and I have trained special forces personal including one time student Commander Ken Kops who strongly felt Afghanistan was appropriate yet Iraq was very wrong...last I heard from him was when he was moved from Afghanistan to Iraq) I bow to the call to protect our parks and the mother earth for which they stand. Strange how we will prosecute those who burn the flag but not those who desecrate the land for which it stands.
lots of love,