Coach Ilg in a variation of Maha Mudra; the inner springboard into paranormal powers (for sport performance, fitness, and meditation), Kundalini Awakening, and eventual Enlightenment. "I first taught you how to do a Barbell Curl more elegantly and more consciously, now, the years ahead i will teach you how to safely attain far greater levels of fitness; Inner Fitness that will make your body, mind, and spirit more elegant and conscious."
Most Noble InDIRECT LINES readers -
this entry should be considered your WF Temple Gong ringing...
beginning shortly in DIRECT LINES; Subscription Format,
i will be imparting Ancient and Secret Teachings of the Maha Mudra (Great Gesture).
Training of and Attainment of Maha Mudhra shifts the individuals reliance on the gross physical body
into and onto the Pranic Body; a vastly superior energetic structure that accounts for paranormal levels of
energy, insight, and most importantly; it sets the Inner Stage for the Awakening of Kundalini and eventual
Subscribe to DL today; you do NOT want to miss this Series of Secret Teachings imparted by your Coach
who is not allowed to Teach that which i have not yet attained. You can rest assured as ever, that i will only
coach you in Genuine, Ancient, Safe, and Progressive mind/body techniques as i have since 1982.
Don't get gapped now; we have travelled too far together...
that is all,
coach ilg