You ask why I live in the mountains

and forests...
and i smile and am silent,
And even my soul remains quiet:

It lives in the other world
Which no one owns.
The peach trees blossom.

The water flows.
- Li Po
The Temple will be closed until July 11th.
I will be attempting to maintain DL Subscriber Format plus of course, my Online Coaching with Active Students...however,
email/internet connections will be sketchy until my return.
eat your Herbs,
do your Practices,
enjoy the Tour de France,
sweat each day,
sit still each day,
know how much you are Loved
fiercely sometimes,
yet allWays
in the Highest of Ways,
om so ti,
coach ilg
creator/Wholistic Fitness
ps; wish us luck at our HP Yoga® Master Class up with my beautiful and noble Vancouver Sangha!
#1; my old backyard of Telluride, Colorado. i have ice climbed most of the waterfalls in this picture by my Flagstaff mountain biking training parter, Bob "Sensei of the Singletrack" Verderame.
#2: my current day backyard; this is during my favorite hillclimb; Waterline/Abineau; a 17-mile, 4,000' climb to 10,400' which starts, literally, out of my front door.
#3: a DL reader wrote in saying i look like a "young Robert Redford," here...hey! i'll take it! must be the SUNRIDER herbs, since i'm looking young at 44! thanks!!!
#4: Ananda back h(om)e in Floridian oceanic waters while visiting her Daddy for his birthday.