"A yoga practitioner should continue to concentrate his mind until
he masters his mind and body,
and thus experiences a state of solitude wherever he may be;
then desire and possessiveness drop away."
- Bhagavad Gita, 6;10
[photo of HP Yogi Ben Sullivan racing up the Snowbowl Hill Climb on Saturday to an excellent time!]
Some people keep their cars very clean, even at the expense of using precious water in an arid land and era.
Some people never clean their cars, even at the expense of costly repairs due to poor maintenance.
Some people keep their bodies superficially clean, using all sorts of expensive lathers and lotions yet do not exercise wisely or meditate regularly and do not see the dirt that veils their vision.
Some people rarely clean their bodies and dishonor the beautiful instrument of the self.
Some people over exercise in one discipline, thus creating imbalance and weakness...
it's like not rotating the tires on their cars... eventually the Imbalance catches up with them and their wheels fall off in one way or another.
Yoga is the only Pursuit that is a complimentary Balancing Agent to everything you do, say, or think.
Yoga is never at contraindication to anything you do, say, or think.
With enough yoga practice, we always see the spiritual side of people and things like cars, weather, money challenges, etc.
This appropriate way of Seeing is called, "drishti" or "yogic vision."
Such a way of Seeing allows the yogi to remain unaffected by external things and superficial views.
Can you See the spirit of your (body) vehicle?
Can you See beyond the prakriti (matter) of your (body) vehicle and find the purusha...the essence behind the changing forms of nature?
i will See you in class,
coach ilg