"A race is, to me, a devotional sutra. While racing, words no long clutter nor come between Truth and Self. A racing season thus becomes an ongoing scripture of Self. And a fully-lived life becomes our most intimate Sacred Song to God."
- coach ilg
Coach, 1st place trophy, and "Lord Gunther" his mountain bike after the Award Ceremony on Saturday in downtown Flagstaff. Note the WF "TrackPack". photo by Ananda.
Part I
by coach ilg, ryt/uscf/cpt
some excerpts:
"Above and beyond these outward intents for racing, i allWays have an Inner Intent when i enter a competitive event."
"As i Taught you long, long ago; "Racing is not about winning, it's about knowing ourselves."
"Racing peels away the "Veil over the inner Light," as Patanjali and the other Great Ancient Masters of body and mind called it.
"i race to erase prakasa avarana."
"This 'mental training' through fortification of the body's capacities is known as Yoga. Well, at least, it is known as High (Divine) Performance (Action) Yoga (Union)!"
"In Wholistic Fitness, it is crucial to not limit our comprehension and practice of yoga to "sticky mats" and yoga studios."
"To me? i was just Practicing Yoga, baby. Though i was inDeed on a mountain bike, truly, i turned my mountain bike into my 'yoga mat' for 1:57 over a 20+mile rock-strewn course with 2,000' of climbing."
"In fact, my entire race was chiefly an embodiment of what i consider to be four most vital Sutras in the science of Yoga..."
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Coach provides unique winning race insight to four pivotal Yoga Sutras!
where the HEAVEN ELSE will you EVER find stuff like this??!
No where else but the home of America's Native Form of Yoga produced by a World Class Athlete; Steve Ilg's WHOLISTIC FITNESS! and DIRECT LINES is YOUR tap into the Rasas of this Amazing Path!