i am taking Ananda (her first time) to my ol' h(om)etown hallowed birthplace of Wholistic Fitness...

we will be up in my ol' hood training...i, for the State Championships coming later this month, and
Ananda to deepen her own Practice of WF. i am planning on cranking the famed Imogene Pass on my
mountain bike (18 miles and climbs up to 13,000'+) over to Ouray, Colorado. we'll see how that particular
"yoga session" goes...i've only ridden it once before on my mountain bike a long time ago and 'bout near died.
i used race the Imogene Pass footrace quite often in the eighties and placed in the top 20 consistently

so i thought,
"Shit, how the hell hard can it be to RIDE a damn bike over this thing?"

answer; desperately hard.
in fact, riding Imogene is one of the nation's most highly sought after prizes. i'll let you know
how it goes.
so, enjoy the DL Archives; there is PUH-lenty of chi, wisdom, and gems in those thousands of meditations and...with the
Mountain Gods of the Uncompadre willing...
A and i will be back in Flag on Sunday night, raring to go with enhanced CHI from the Ceiling of Southwest Colorado...
and we will be checking out a few places for a WF Tribal Gathering in T-ride...
more on that later...
and i have not forgotten...
PART II of my Wupatki Road Race coming up next!
until Monday,
may the Conscious Breath animate your Dance upon Mother Earth
and may you release into your Sacred Spirit and SOAR!!!!!!!!
from high above,

your mountain yogi coach